October 10, 2016 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

October 10, 20161:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.   Approve minutes from October 3
2.   Question Time
3.   Agenda for AULs at October 24 meeting

Minutes Details


John Wilkin, chair; Nancy O’Brien, vice-chair; Mary Laskowski, secretary, Kirstin Dougan, Harriett Green, M.J. Han, Lori Mestre, Bill Mischo, Ellen Swain; Recording – Kim Matherly


1.   Approve minutes from October 3
Minutes approved by a motion from Kirstin Dougan, seconded by Mary Laskowski.

2.   Question Time
EC discussed a search committee issue.

JoAnn Jacoby will be heading a working group that will include members of the Business and Human Resources Service Center, IT, a public services unit and Facilities to investigate and recommend a strategy for providing on demand photoreproduction services to affiliated and unaffiliated users. She will be sharing a draft charge for the working group with Administrative Council.

John did not receive any feedback on the Organizational Restructuring document.

John stated that Greg Knott has been working with Jen Yu and Mike Nelson to develop better tools for salary equity analysis. This will be helpful for John, Greg Knott for budgeting, and Tom Teper when making offers.
3.   Agenda for AULs at October 24 meeting

EC would like them to deliver an integrated document based on planning, discussion and feedback that can then be sent out to the Library as a whole.