November 7, 2022 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

November 7, 20221:30 pm - 3:00 pm Zoom

Agenda Details




November 7, 2022


Zoom Meeting

  1. Approve minutes – October 24, 2022
  2. Question Time 
  3. Discuss topics for next week’s meeting with AULs/Directors
  4. PRC appointments 
  5. Review policy edits for making acting and interim appointments
  6. Charge a committee for specialized faculty roles and bylaws

Minutes Details




November 7, 2022


Zoom Meeting


Attendees: John Wilkin (Chair); Mara Thacker (Vice-Chair); MJ Han, Kirstin Johnson, Joe Lenkart, William Maher, Kelli Trei, Chris Wiley, and Sarah Williams (recording).




  1. Approve minutes – The minutes were approved upon a motion from William Maher, which was seconded by Kelli Trei.


  1. Question Time – Dean Wilkin updated EC on the following:
    1. He has successfully negotiated Joanne Kaczmarek’s appointment as Interim University Archivist.
    2. He provided a status update on a 5-year unit head review.
    3. The Library usually receives the budget proposal guidance from campus around Thanksgiving, and John expects the AULs and Directors will be able to take the lead on this process like they have in recent years.


  1. Discuss topics for next week’s meeting with AULs/Directors – EC members suggested two topics: discussion of the Library Dean transition, and discussion of challenges assigning PRC members. John confirmed that the AULs and Directors will join the November 14 meeting from 2:15-2:45pm.


  1. PRC appointments – EC appointed members to serve on PRCs. Lucretia Williams will reach out to the appointed to see if they are willing to serve.


  1. Review policy edits for making acting and interim appointments – EC members reviewed suggested edits, which were focused on clarifying the policy not changing the policy. EC members agreed the policy should focus on unit heads, AULs and Directors, but in the future, the Library could consider temporary coverage for other positions, because with the Library becoming more centralized, there may be other types of positions for which interim/acting coverage would be helpful. The draft edits will be shared with Susan Breakenridge and other Library administrators for feedback before EC plans to review it again on November 28, 2022.


  1. Charge a committee for specialized faculty roles and bylaws – EC discussed charging a committee to figure out how to implement specialized faculty in the Library. Dean Wilkin noted all colleges were asked to address specialized faculty in their bylaws, but the Library has not done this yet. Before diving into the Library bylaws, EC members advised the committee should start with procedures, like voting and elections. The Library’s 2015 Specialized Faculty Task Force Report should be shared with the committee for context. EC members – MJ Han, William Maher, Kelli Trei – along with Mary Laskowski will draft a committee charge for EC to review.


Meeting adjourned at 2:45pm