November 2, 2020 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

November 2, 20201:30 pm - 3:00 pm Zoom Meeting

Agenda Details




November 2, 2020


Zoom Meeting


  1. Approve minutes – October 26, 2020
  2. Question Time
  3. Metadata Librarian Search Committee
  4. Process for 0% Research appointments for emeritus faculty
  5. Questions for AULs/Directors
  6. PRC Appointment
  7. DEIA Task Force Charge
  8. Feedback on Use of Faculty Meetings

Minutes Details




November 2, 2020

1:30-3:00 pm

Zoom Conference Call


EC Attendees: John Wilkin (Chair); William Maher (Vice-Chair); Dan Tracy (Secretary); Mara Thacker, Mary Laskowski, David Ward, Kelli Trei, Jennifer Teper, and Peg Burnette. Lucretia Williams; Recording



  1. Minutes – The October 26, 2020 EC meeting minutes were approved with corrections upon the motion by Kelli Trei and second by Peg Burnette.


  1. Question Time – Dean Wilkin updated EC on:
  • There is no further Budget news.
  • There is a Council of Deans meeting on Wednesday, November 4, 2020. Update of COVID cases will likely be a topic of discussion
  • During Dean Wilkin’s meeting with the Provost last week, they discussed the recommendations from the Library Consultation Working Group (LCWG). A response accepting the recommendations is being prepared now.
  • There was a request for the Innovation Fund; a call is going out early November from EC Vice Chair; the deadline will be December 2020. EC agreed on a round of funding for Innovation Fund proposals.


  1. Metadata Librarian Search Committee – Dean Wilkin suggested to EC that they consider putting a hold on the position until a later date when we have better sense of parameters for the FY22 budget proposal. Dean Wilkin will meet with Tom Teper and Myung-Ja Han to have a discussion on EC’s decision. Lucretia will reach out to the members that have agreed to serve on this committee and inform them that EC is putting a hold on this position.


  1. Process for 0% Research appointments for emeritus faculty – EC received a request to consider whether it was possible, when conferring emeritus status, to provide the additional status of 0% Research appointment. EC discussed how it would like to see them approved. The title may better position an emeritus faculty member to apply for grants and other external funding. Dean Wilkin suggested that this will need a bit more investigation to determine the time-limited nature of the status of a 0% Research appointment. EC agreed in the future these should be a regular part of emeritus request protocol if someone wants a 0% appointment in addition to emeritus status.

Dean Wilkin later confirmed with the Provost’s office that:

  • As discussed, these 0% Research Professor appointments, offered in conjunction with emerita/emeritus status, are about title only and offer no additional benefits;
  • They are time limited and, in fact, must be renewed annually.


  1. Questions for AULs/Directors at the next EC meeting – AULs/Directors will be asked to give general updates for the next EC meeting on Monday, November 9, 2020. EC also needs to discuss how we want to do annual reviews for directors (i.e., same process as AULs or something else).


  1. PRC Appointment – EC appointed PRC members. Lucretia will reach out to them via email and then inform EC of their responses.


  1. DEIA Task Force Charge – EC received feedback from LSSC and LCAP on the DEIA Task Force Charge. Both committees recommended that EC may want to re-examine the list of membership and make any changes, and EC agreed to equalize membership among the job classifications of faculty, AP, and Civil Service as well as add a graduate student member. EC discussed the charge and suggested some language changes for clarity based on LSSC and LCAP’s feedback. The Secretary will provide a version of the charge with changes to reflect the discussion for the next EC meeting. Meanwhile, a call will go out requesting that GA supervisors submit nominations for the GA appointee.


  1. Feedback on use of Faculty Meetings – This was tabled to be discussed at the next EC meeting on Monday, November 9, 2020.