May 2, 2018 Meeting of Social Science

Time and Location of Meeting

May 2, 201810:00 am - 11:30 am 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


Lisa Romero (Chair), Nancy O’Brien, Cindy Ingold, Yali Feng, Dan Tracy, JJ Pionke,  Karen Hogenboom

Guest: Jen-Chien Yu

Minute taker: Yali Feng


  1. Announcements and Discussion Items:
    1. Discussion of Draft Plan on Student Learning Outcome Assessment (Jen-Chien Yu)
      1. Jen-Chien Yu explained why the campus started to conduct the Student Learning Outcome Assessment in January 2017, and how to conduct individual unit assessments based on general assessment templates.
      2. Then she described the timeline of the assessment and pointed out the Library got involved in its assessment after the undergraduate [?] assessment templates were already submitted to the Campus, around AY17-18. The deadline for submitting the University Library template is September 1, 2018. The date for Higher Learning Commission (HLC) comprehensive evaluation is March 20, 2020
      3. Jen-Chien Yu pointed out that the Library is drafting a University Library assessment template and will collect data to meet accreditation criteria 4.B. She then went through the assessment template process: University Library (Step 1-5). Please refer to the email attachments from Lisa Romero on April 30th, 2018.
      4. Student Learning Outcomes: Overall, Outcomes 1 and 2 are more related to our Library, while Outcomes 4 and Outcome 5 are more about outreach programs. An example of Outcome 3 is training student assistants.
      5. Homework. We were asked to take a look at Step 4 and Step 5, especially Step 4, to see if anything needs to be added or edited, based on the unit situation in the last 3-5 years.
      6. JJ Pionke asked how to fit a librarian’s work in terms of public events, such as exhibits, into this assessment. Jen-Chien Yu mentioned there will be other statistics used to record librarian’s public engagement.
  1. Approval of April 4 minutes (see G:/Social Sciences Division/MINUTES/DRAFT Minutes).
    1. Minutes were approved.
  1. Announcement
    1. Desiderata List for Tom Teper: Discussion of recommended items
      1. Yali Feng’s desiderata list was approved by the Social Sciences Division.
    2. Announcements
      1. Nancy O’Brien reported that assessment of Lisa Romero’s performance as Division Coordinator will take place soon. Gennye Varvel will collect and  anonymize responses. Cindy Ingold and Nancy O’Brien will write a draft based on collected comments.
      2. Division Advisory Committee: June 6th Division meeting will be cancelled but the Advisory Committee will meet to review the Division Coordinator evaluation report.
      3. Yali Feng is on a nine-month contract. She will be off from May 16-August 15 2018.
  1. Reports
    1. Advisory Committee to the AUL for User Services (Sheehan)
      1. ??
    2. Area Studies Division representative to SSD (Rudasill)
    3. Collection Development Committee (Cheshire)
    4. Data Discovery & Access Committee (Hogenboom)
      1. Prepare workshop on publishing data
      2. New curators are redesigning workshops
    5. Diversity Committee (Ingold, Pionke)
      1. Potluck in June at YMCA.
      2. Updating statement
      3. Working on iSchool presentation for current undergraduate workers
    6. Faculty Review Committee (O’Brien)
      1. Karen Hogenboom, Carissa Phillips, and Nancy O’Brien are the editors for tenure papers
    7. Library Assessment Committee (Cheshire)
    8. LSSC Representative (Varvel)
    9. Office of Research, Liaison (Tracy)
      1. Reference Management Team (Sheehan)
    10. Research Data Service Committee (Hogenboom)
      1. Research data/ data science initiative
    11. SSD rep to Central Public Services Division (Ingold)
    12. Staff Development & Training Committee (Ingold, Pionke)
      1. The Committee is planning tool box discovery for next year. Book group is having book group discussion of Crucial Conversations
      2. Zoe will work on GA training.
    13. User Ed Committee (Avery, Cheshire)
  1. Round Robin
    1. Dan Tracy:
      1. There will be new undergraduate program in iSchool, and there will be more master’s students.
      2. Dan will be gone in June, for training and conference. He will take vacation in July.
    2. JJ Pionke:
      1.  Busy with finishing acquisitions before May 4th.
      2. Travel mostly in May for conferences
      3. Busy with survey and publishing
      4. Schedule meetings with department head for next semester
    3. Yali Feng:
      1. She started a bulletin board in the Psychology Building. It will be used as a base to promote new titles, library services and information literacy.
      2. Attended several workshops related to research data and psychology – important ones include RDAP, Diversity Summit, Adaba, and Data Science.
    4. Karen Hogenboom:
      1. Work on implementation report for room 200.
    5. Cindy Ingold:
      1. Spend money for acquisitions, and work on paper for summer
    6. Lisa Romero:
      1. Preparing manuscript for conference in Greece.

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