May 14, 2013 Meeting of User Services Advisory Committee (USAC)

Time and Location of Meeting

May 14, 2013

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


Joe Lenkart, Kelly McCusker, Lisa Romero, Sue Searing (chair), Cindy Ingold (guest)


1. Diversity and user services: Cindy Ingold met with the group to discuss diversity and multicultural services. Cindy talked about how outreach to the campus’ diverse groups and organizations has originated, developed, and how it might be enhanced.

Cindy reviewed her list of groups for outreach and welcomes the addition of other user groups. The group discussed the need to provide training for full time library staff on diversity issues and how to make it a priority with full time staff, GAs, and student employees. Training for the Main Library/UGL Hub needs to include diversity/interpersonal communication training.

2. Digital Content Creation update: Sue has contacted Betsy Kruger and Betsy confirmed that she would be willing to digitize older reference sources if they are not already available via Hathi.

3. Hub Management Group: The membership of this group was voluntary. While the current membership includes unit heads, it may not necessarily remain as such.

The group discussed a variety of concerns with the staffing model and staffing requirements of the Main Library/UGL Hub.  We also discussed issues such as where the VR Desk staffing should physically take place, and the training objectives and requirements.

4. Digital signage: This item was tabled to the next meeting.

5. Policy and procedures review: The goal is to discuss and review all policies before the new University Librarian begins their new position. Sue will coordinate the discussion via email.

Minutes submitted by: Lisa Romero