March 6, 2019 Meeting of Library Faculty Meeting

Time and Location of Meeting

March 6, 20193:00 pm - 4:30 am 66 Library

Agenda Details



University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Library Faculty Meeting Agenda
March 6, 2019
3-4:30 pm
66 Library


  1. 3:00 pm – Bill Sanders – Discovery Partners Institute (25 min)
  2. Call or Order
  3. Standing Items

3.1   Adoption of the agenda
3.2   Approval of the minutes of the February 6, 2019 Faculty Meeting
3.3   Introduction of New Employees (John Wilkin)
3.4   Executive Committee Report and Discussion (David Ward)
3.5   Report of the University Librarian (15 minutes – John Wilkin)

  1. Lightning Talks

4.1 Mary Laskowski, Cherié Weible – Access to the SPR (10-15 min)
4.2  David Ward – VR@Illinois initiative (LEITC) (10 min)


  1. New Business
  2. Announcements
  3. Discussion Items

7.1 Executive Committee Motion regarding procedures for the five-year evaluation of the Dean of Libraries/University Librarian (20 min –David Ward)
[procedures document attached]

  1. Adjournment



Minutes Details



University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Library Faculty Meeting Agenda
March 6, 2019
3-4:30 pm
66 Library


  1. Special Guest – Bill Sanders – Discovery Partners Institute (DPI) (25 min)


Heidi Imker introduced Bill Sanders who is the interim director of the Discovery Partners Institute and a Donald Biggar Willett Professor of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Formerly the Head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UIUC (serving 2014-2018), Sanders is a professor in ECE and in the Department of Computer Science. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, the ACM, and the AAAS; a past Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Fault-Tolerant Computing; and past Vice-Chair of the IFIP Working Group 10.4 on Dependable Computing. He was the founding Director of the Information Trust Institute at Illinois (2004-2011), and served as Director of the Coordinated Science Laboratory at Illinois from 2010 to 2014.


[Slide presentation is available as a separate file]


Current challenges facing Illinois include:

  • Labor force is near a 10 year low
  • Slow job growth
  • Aging population
  • Declining population
  • Success will depend on strength of high-tech services


The goal of DPI is to revitalize the 21st century economy; reinvent the role of the research university through interdisciplinary public-private partnerships towards technology-based economic growth with global impact.


The mission is to address societal grand challenges, promote entrepreneurship, and grow the next generation workforce to build prosperity. These efforts will serve to:


  • attract talent
  • partner with business
  • generate money
  • educate
  • develop networks
  • reduce out-migration
  • produce entrepreneurs
  • boost state’s economy



DPI’s approach to research is to do purpose-driven research that creates actionable results with guidance from industry, government, community agencies, and cultural and philanthropic organization.


DPI’s approach to education is to develop partnerships to work on efforts and teach courses, including programs in cross-cutting areas such as entrepreneurship, public policy, societal impact, and others.


There are three types of partners: Universities and labs from around the world; industry, government, and community groups; and State Universities within Illinois (Illinois Innovation Network).


DPI themes include Computing & Data, Environment & Water, Food & Agriculture, and Health & Wellness. These intersect with cross-cutting areas that include Culture & Society, Education & Workforce Development, Entrepreneurship & Technology Transfer, and Public Policy.


DPI is currently housed in 20,000 sq. ft. on Wacker Dr. in Chicago. A permanent home is in development on land donated by Related Midwest. The new space will accommodate classrooms, interactive spaces, and about 100 faculty, 2,000 students, and 275 staff.




  • Qiang Jin – How can the Library contribute – what we can do to help you?


Bill – I believe in libraries and miss time in the stacks. UIC expressed interest in being the library of DPI but that has yet to be discussed. It’s about discovery and the potential for tech transfer. People need libraries in a different ways. Some colleagues have already submitted proposals and those will be announced within a week to ten days. I’m very interested in cross cutting areas and workforce development.


  • Sara Benson – I saw the DPI announcement for signing up, but where to sign up? I want all the things – how do I figure that out?


Bill – I meet with working group chairs every Monday morning; you should sign up for whatever you want to. It is a big process to collect broad input; I am urging groups to send out more emails. These are not partitions – stuff is mixed and intersects.


We are trying to make the web site more reasonable; we are still thinking about it; I would like you all to think about how you could be involved.


  • John Wilkin – What is at the system and what is at different universities? We see power to have things at the system level but there are problems of agency and identify. IGPA – there are faculty appointments and that became problematic. How do we use the power of being at the center – how do we grapple with that?


Bill – I’ve been faculty at Illinois for 25 years, and only working for the UI system for 6 months. Faculty apps will be zero percent. We have a mission to work on something challenging but it is different form core missions and we need to be complementary.


If we think economic development and job creation are important, we can do it effectively and bring advantages to the institution and the state as well.

  1. Call or Order
    John Wilkin called the meeting to order at 3:30.
  2. Standing Items

3.1   Adoption of the agenda
3.2   Approval of the minutes of the February 6, 2019 Faculty Meeting

Adoption of the agenda and approval of the minutes – Mary Laskowski; seconded by Sara Benson

3.3   Introduction of New Employees (John Wilkin)

Chris Prom introduced Tracy Toliver, the new director of library and information technology.

3.4   Executive Committee Report and Discussion (David Ward)

David reported recent EC activity as follows:

  • Reviewed draft budget
  • Finalized co-chairs of strategic planning team
  • Received update on review process from the review team (Paula Carns)
  • Will have 2nd round of ICR funding; details forthcoming
  • Continued work related to current tenure candidates; identified paper preparers and discussed external reviewers.
  • Discussed process for AUL review
  • Received updates on 1st floor planning efforts
  • Reviewed hiring goals- 5 year plan for diversity – 19 % overall representation.
  • Voiced support for a web site inclusion policy – who is included in list of libraries on gateway page.

3.5   Report of the University Librarian (15 minutes – John Wilkin)

Budget process shapes our activities this time of year; the deadline was March 1st. Thanks to AULS, Gregg Knott, Heather Murphy, and EC for the quick turnaround.

What happens next? There is a budget hearing is March 25th; nothing will come out of that except an overall feeling based on questions. Provost’s office will ask for any clarification needed in document.

It will soon be sent out to library faculty to elicit some questions; we only have ten pages.

Fall will be the final allocation and we won’t know until then how the budget shakes out. Expect to see an increase to the collection budget of about $500,000. I am optimistic about a salary program. We had to model reductions but hopefully we won’t have to take a reduction. We will likely see modest funding for other initiatives.

  • Sara Benson – assuming budget is good, will there be a salary program?

John – There will be a salary program; at campus level they understand how damaging it is to not do that. It is a merit based program.


  1. Lightning Talks

4.1 Mary Laskowski, Cherié Weible – Access to the Shared Print Repository (SPR) (10-15 min)
[Slides available as separate file]


SPR II will be hosted at Illinois and managed by BTAA.


SPR one is hosted at Indiana; journal titles include complete runs of each title; institutions can de-dupe against this repository.


Ingest has begun at Oak Street – 92,000 ingested (250,000 goal overall)


Access to collections: through ILL as per resource sharing agreement across institutions.

Catalog records: ours look different than Indiana records; location is BTAA shared print repository; ours is Oak Street BTAA Shared Print Repository; there is a form to request materials; not everything at SPR has a record in our catalog yet; records are there for titles that we de-duped or have borrowed. Ultimately there will be a record for everything that we have matched.


The web form is the same in either case; patrons complete the forms and ILL staff mediates requests; building use only – does not circulate.


Everything does have online access; if a patron needs to see if print is available (less than 100 reqs for Indiana collection) . Special circumstances are handled on a case by case basis. To date all ingest is from our own collection; good for space allocation.


4.2  David Ward – VR@Illinois initiative (LEITC) (10 min)
[Link to slides:]


Eric Kurt, Rob Wallace, Jake Metz, Jim Hahn, Elisandro Cabada, David Ward, Bill Mischo.

VR in the library and on campus; IDEA LAB, media commons, scholarly commons work with CITL to centralize VR activities.


Working on white paper re: funding for classroom support; storage and archiving of 3D projects; design spaces.


At campus level, people want to get involved in VR but need help; some classes are using VR.


Jim Hahn – CS 498 Special Topics Course
VR research – – integrates the Illinois Experts Data Feed of VR papers into the page footer, which helps to highlight campus research and library stewardship in this area.


Alex – Student Needs

IDEA Lab and Media Commons provide access to equipment; students are interested but are intimidated; library provided workshops on 3D printing; VR workshops next week. Also provide access to headsets

Rob Wallace – Content Management

Development architecture – content ingest and delivery. They are putting together a deposit tool – users can deposit 3D content; ingest with metadata; some processing is done; admins can make available on public site.


  • Sara Benson – what does the form look like? In terms of licensing and copyright;


Rob – Form is not yet created.


  • Bill Maher – what are you doing for permanent storage and access (archiving)?


Rob – Current architecture is a prototype – using box as deposit backend. Also working on portable package that can be made available to other institutions. Archiving best practices are still in development.



  1. New Business
  2. Announcements
  • Merinda Hensley – The Image of Research — UR Edition will be celebrated at the annual Undergraduate Research Symposium on 4/18/19 in Illini Ballrooms A, B, and C. All submissions will also be displayed on the Library’s digital signage and a special exhibit in the UGL. Please share widely with your departments.
  • Cindy Ingold – There will be 3 candidates presentations next week for the Visiting Information Sciences Librarian position – 11:00 am Monday, Wed and Thursday.
  • JJ Pionke – Reminder about the Edible book festival – April 6th this year at Common Ground Coop.

John Wilkin and Kim Matherly excused themselves from the meeting.


  1. Discussion Items

7.1 Executive Committee Motion regarding procedures for the five-year evaluation of the Dean of Libraries/University Librarian (20 min –David Ward)
[procedures document attached]

David Ward introduced the motion regarding the 5 year review of the Dean of Libraries. The review was deferred for 1 year. Dean’s evaluative committee has been appointed – EC committee plus iSchool Dean Allan Renear. The senate library committee runs their own separate process. Both groups provide final reports and advice to Provost.


  • About confidentiality of responses
  • About the nature of the report to the Provost
  • About whether or not people can talk to someone in lieu of written evaluation
  • About whether or not survey questions are open ended
  • About input from iSchool Dean in the form of a face to face meeting with Provost

Motion was carried.

  1. Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 4:25.

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