March 4, 2013 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

March 4, 20131:30 pm - 3:30 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.                  1:30-AULs
2.                 Approve minutes from February 11
3.                 Question Time 
4.                 Paper preparers
5.                 Invited Speakers
6.                 Zero appointment

Minutes Details


Paula Kaufman, chair; Sarah Shreeves, secretary; Mary Laskowski, Nancy O’Brien, Carissa Phillips, Lynne Rudasill, John Wagstaff, David Ward; Visitors – Beth Sandore Namachchivaya, Tom Teper, Sue Searing; Recording-Kim Matherly


1.                  1:30-AULs
Sue brought a document containing actionable items to the meeting. EC and the AULs discussed the document, made suggestions and approved it. The deadline for the final report is May 31.

The AUL surveys have been posted and Chris Prom will send out an email to Libnews asking everyone to fill out any of the surveys they choose.

Tom, David, Beth Woodard, Donna Hoffman and Cindy Kelly have been working on the title changes. The next step is getting an updated job description for each of the individuals.

Beth brought the group up-to-date on pending grant proposals.

Carissa informed the group that the New York stock exchange will hold two workshops regarding a pilot program to digitize the early trade information for the New York stock exchange, which currently only exists on paper.

2.                 Approve minutes from February 11
Minutes were approved by a motion from John Wagstaff , seconded by Mary Laskowski.
3.                 Question Time 
Janis Johnston is retiring July 31. The College of Law doesn’t plan to do a search until fall.

AC agreed to eliminate one of the cleaning days. Sue Searing, meeting chair, will talk to Paula regarding the issue.

EC approved the final version of the Communications Coordinator position description.
Administrative Council did not reach a consensus about what to do regarding Division Coordinator GAs. This will be added to the next EC agenda.

Paula and Rod Allen have asked Mike Andrechak for specifics on the Library fee, but have not heard back from him yet.
4.                 Paper preparers
Paper preparers were selected. Paula will contact them and ask them to serve.

5.                 Invited Speakers
EC will put out a call for speakers in late summer.
6.                 Zero appointment for Janice Harrington
A zero-appointment for Janice Harrington was approved.
7.                 Open access bill Senator Biss has put before the state senate

Research papers, journal articles published by faculty at state supported institution are required to be deposited in a repository and be made openly accessible. The bill would require the articles to be licensed to the public for use. Individuals could do whatever they wanted with the article as long as they attribute the article to the writer.


This bill is unique as a state bill and would include community colleges. Peter Schiffer realized what a burden it would be to our faculty. The University would have to change its rule that states that faculty work belongs to faculty, not to mention copyright issues.


Some of the larger Universities have institutional repositories but most of the smaller ones do not. They may expect the larger universities to deposit for them, at a cost. This could mean a lot of extra work for the Library from a non-funded mandate.


Some of the biggest challenges would be tracking publications and tracking compliance.


Senator Biss does not expect the bill to pass this session. If it passes the state will put the burden on us to track all faculty publishing.