March 27, 2017 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

March 27, 20171:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1. 1:30-2-AULs
a. Discussion about budget reductions
b. Retreat next steps
2. Approve minutes from March 14
3. Question Time
4. Revision of Charge for WG on Library grants, outreach and training

Minutes Details


Bill Mischo (Chair), Nancy O’Brien (Vice-Chair), Mary Laskowski (Secretary), Kirstin Dougan, Harriett Green, Lori Mestre, Ellen Swain


1.   1:30-2-AULs JoAnn Jacoby, Beth Sandore Namachchivaya
a.   Discussion about budget reductions — Budget discussions are ongoing, and associated documents continue to evolve. We are asking campus for assistance with collection inflation costs to cover three years, and are contributing cancelation and reallocation funding. As noted previously, we are modeling 1%, 3%, and 5% reductions across all units. A three percent reduction represents roughly $600,000, and as much as possible will come from central funds. Other reductions from units/divisions will come from a variety of places including salary differentials from retirements, wage allocations, committee allocations, and hours reductions. Additional reductions will include reducing investments in various memberships, and working with grant funds as appropriate for partial salary coverages. Reductions will likely continue beyond this year, so we need to be thinking strategically about the next 3-5 years.
b.   Retreat next steps – AUL’s are working on compiling the top three next steps, and the Strategic Framework Initiative Awards are moving forward.
2.   Approve minutes from March 14 – Approved with amendments with a motion by Nancy O’Brien, seconded by Lori Mestre.
3.   Question Time
Discussion of external reviewers for tenure and promotion cases.
4.   Revision of Charge for WG on Library grants, outreach and training

EC discussed the proposed revised charge. EC has decided the initial charge is sufficient, and that the proposed changes can be implemented as a work plan.