March 22, 2021 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

March 22, 20211:30 pm - 3:00 pm Zoom Meeting

Agenda Details




March 22, 2021


Zoom Meeting



  1. Approve minutes – March 8, 2021
  2. Question Time
  3. 2-2:30 Co-chairs/Chairs of LSSC and LCAP
  4. Innovation Fund Extension 

Minutes Details




March 22, 2021


Zoom Meeting


Attendees: John Wilkin (Chair); Bill Maher (Vice-Chair); Jennifer Teper, Mara Thacker, David Ward, Peg Burnette, Dan Tracy, Mary Laskowski, and Kelli Trei.


LSSC/LCAP representatives present: Rachael Johns, Erik Chapman, Jake MacGregor, John Laskowski


  1. Minutes of the March 8, 2021 meeting were approved upon motion by Bill Maher and second by Kelli Trei.


  1. Question Time
  • The deadline is Friday, March 26 for AULs to submit their reports. The director reports are submitted. The next step will be an opportunity for library-wide feedback, and that is ready to go live as soon as we have them all for comment period.
  • Library administration continues to work on planning for fall, and the Provost’s recent email emphasizing a greater return to normal than expected was a surprise. We will not have to do anything unsafe but we will also have to be responsive to the needs of campus. Circumstances are changing rapidly, so we won’t know for sure for some time what things look like. During budget meeting with the Provost, Dean Wilkin indicated that our staffing levels would not be the same as before the pandemic and we would likely not have the same level of hours. We will have to define what “full” services will look like. The current campus plan is still 50% capacity in classrooms.
  • A member of EC asked whether there has been any discussion of impact statements for COVID in AP and Civil Service annual reviews as with faculty? The response was that there has not been so far, although there are ways to include that in the review forms and we should encourage people to use that opportunity. Additionally, the AP review process has been hung up with systems issues in HR.


  1. 2-2:30 Co-chairs/Chairs of LSSC and LCAP
  • In advance of the meetings the visiting representatives were asked to prepare thoughts on ideas related to a possible group that would more formally include APs and Civil Service staff in issues governance and administration. Specifically, the representatives were asked to speak to the ideal scope, composition, and format for the group.
  • John Laskowski reported that the representatives met collectively and came away with five points they felt were important for any kind of body:
    • Whatever the size of the group, it should be equally representative of Civil Service, Academic Professionals, and Faculty.
    • Administrative support for participation in the group may need to be vocal and repeated to make it possible for Civil Service and generally frontline positions to participate.
    • Representatives need to be plugged in/aware of issues impacting constituents but also see how things impact others outside their unit and library as a whole.
    • The scope needs to be library-wide and the agenda needs to come from all employees.
    • This is a big change and a lot of employees across classes may need to hear about this many times. It may take some people some time to feel personally empowered to actually participate.
  • EC and the representatives continued the discussion. John affirmed both that the library would need to communicate that supervisors would need to allow participation in any group resulting from this discussion, but also that representatives would have to understand this is essentially a good deal of extra work. The group discussed the impact of different possible configurations on inclusion in the full range of topics of discussion that would be desired.
  • As a next step, LSSC and LCAP reps (with input from their committees at their discretion) will review public EC agendas from a one-year period. This will include the six months before and after the interruption of regular work by COVID, with the March 19, 2020 meeting as the cutoff, in order to get a sampling of typical topics before and since the pandemic while still getting the normal annual cycle of activities.


  1. Innovation Fund Extension Request – EC approved a deadline extension request for an innovation fund report.


The meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm.