March 14, 2016 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

March 14, 20161:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.   1:30-2:30 – AULs
a.   Discussion of Retreat ideas and comments that fall within each AUL’s area.
b.   Leading into the hiring plan 
c.    Issues around priorities
2.   Approve minutes from March 7
3.   Question Time
4.   TF to Create a Promotional Path for APs in the Library – membership
5.   Appoint Faculty Editors for full
6.   Appoint Paper Preparers for full
7.   Hiring Plan
8.   Privacy Policy Implementation Team recommendations
9.   Innovation Fund Report – Anna Chen

Minutes Details


John Wilkin, chair; Kirstin Dougan, vice-chair; Mary Laskowski, secretary; MJ Han, Lori Mestre, Bill Mischo, Nancy O’Brien, Lynne Rudasill, Sarah Williams; Visitors – JoAnn Jacoby, Beth Namachchivaya, Tom Teper; Recording – Kim Matherly


1.   1:30-2:30 – AULs
a.   Discussion of Retreat ideas and comments that fall within each AUL’s area.
b.   Leading into the hiring plan 
c.    Issues around priorities
EC and the AULs discussed the retreat topics and whether there were any positions, from the suggestions, that needed to be added to the hiring plan. There have not been many responses to the call for comment on the retreat topics and the AULs are developing summaries to send out to the Library, which might make the information easier to digest. They will work on the summaries and post in the next two weeks.

Next step: send out recommendations and priorities in early April to the Library for comment.

EC and the AULs also talked about two clear areas of need that emerged from the retreat: strategic communications, marketing and outreach, and oversight of our overall web presence.

Beth mentioned that Rikk Mulligan, program officer for scholarly communication and publishing from ARL, will be giving a presentation on March 31 and will be meeting with several people.

EC and the AULs discussed the agenda for the Library Update.

2.   Approve minutes from March 7
Minutes were approved as amended by a motion from Kirstin Dougan, seconded by Lynne Rudasill.

3.   Question Time
John sent the budget document to the Senate Committee on the Library for their comments. The document will be sent out the Library after the budget hearing in April.

When the CIC Library Directors last met, they discussed shared cooperative cataloging. Good work has been done on this at Illinois. There is a growing interest in open education resources. A group may be charged to look at discovery to delivery as a way to frame CIC technology investments.

A personnel issue was discussed.

EC discussed the past faculty meeting and comments they received. EC intends to annually discuss the various roles of the Executive Committee, Administrative Council, and Cabinet so that any new faculty and Academic Professionals have the opportunity to learn more about those groups. EC will also propose periodic “faculty of the whole” discussions on shared governance to help strengthen the organizational culture.

4.   TF to Create a Promotional Path for APs in the Library – membership
Final membership was suggested.

5.   Appoint Faculty Editors for full
Existing editors were confirmed.

6.   Appoint Paper Preparers for full
Paper preparers were suggested.

7.   Hiring Plan
This will be discussed after the deadline for positions.

Privacy Policy Implementation Team recommendations
This will be posted for Library review.

9.   Innovation Fund Report – Anna Chen

EC accepted the report and it will be posted.



3/8/16 – approved DPLA Visiting Metadata Services Specialist position description

3/11/16 – approved Library Committee of Academic Professionals beginning to meet right away, instead of waiting for August 16