June 8, 2015 Meeting of User Education Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

June 8, 201510:00 am - 11:00 am Library 428

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


Members Present: Elizabeth Sheehan (15), Mark Wardecker (16), Lisa Hinchliffe (ex officio) – Chair, Susan Avery (ex officio)

Members Absent: Sarah Christensen (ex officio), Michelle Dewy (16), Harriett Green (16), Jemma Ku (ex officio), Jameatris Rimkus (15), Janelle Sander (16), Scott Schwartz (15), Sandra Wolf (16)

Additional Attendees: Crystal Sheu, Kirsten Feist, Sarah Crissinger (Information Literacy GA)


1. Agenda Review

Susan asked that the committee discuss the transition to LibGuides 2.0 and the formation of the team that will guide this process.

2. Acclamations and Accolades

Sarah and Crystal presented on Open Educational Resources (OER) at the Faculty Summer Institute last week and it went well. Beth recently worked with Crystal to create a library orientation module in Compass for online social work students. The faculty member had originally requested a few links about the library so she was very pleased with this module. Crystal and Beth will continue to work on making this module more accessible for the entire library, not just social work students.

3. RefWorks (JoAnn)

JoAnn Jacoby visited the group to get their input on eliminating RefWorks. She provided the group data about the current use of RefWorks and explained that the number of accounts created has remained steady but the number of references actually created within those accounts is declining. There is still a handful of very active users, however. She also mentioned that RefWorks Flow is freely available and has many of the same features as RefWorks.

The committee asked JoAnn about functionality lost, including losing file structure and groups created. The committee suggested contacting power users directly to offer individualized support for the transition. It would also be helpful to have a RefWorks transition team that can be contacted when people have questions. Additionally, there should be training for subject specialists on other citation management options so that they can decide which ones they would like to promote. Future citation management assistance should be more consultation-based and less demo-based.

JoAnn will contact SSHEL and other subject libraries about a training session. JoAnn will also contact ESL instructors about the change. She will be asking for more volunteers for a RefWorks transition team, including anyone that has expertise on other citation management systems.

4. U of MN Open Textbook Initiative- CIC Initiative

The University of Minnesota has started a campus-wide online textbook library initiative. As part of the CIC, we will be joining this effort. We will be encouraging instructors to submit open textbooks but we also have the option of having experts from Minnesota come and give campus-wide workshops about the initiative and open educational policy.

The committee suggested focusing on U of I’s areas of strength, especially if there isn’t already an open textbook in that area. The committee also asked Lisa to find out more about the functionality of the repository as well as the current campus stance on open education. Lisa will continue to gather information about the library’s role in this initiative (leading, instructing, facilitating, etc.) and how instruction is involved.

5. AUL for User Services Search

Lisa encouraged everyone on the committee to go to the interviews and give feedback.

6. LibGuides 2.0

Lisa and Crystal are currently creating a group to oversee the transition from LibGuides to LibGuides 2.0. They will meet on June 18th. All documentation about the clean-up will be reviewed then and should be sent out to library supervisors by the end of June. This will enable library supervisors to start to get some of this work done while they still have graduate hourlies.

The group will also be talking about auto-migrating vs. migrating manually and which would be most efficient. Crystal and Lisa will continue to communicate any updates to the User Education Committee.


Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Crissinger