June 10, 2013 Meeting of User Education Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

June 10, 201310:00 am - 11:00 am Library 428

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


Members Present: Susan Avery (ex officio), Kirstin Dougan (14), Merinda Hensley (ex officio), Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe (ex officio) – Chair, Elizabeth Sheehan (13), Mark Wardecker (14), Sandra Wolf (14)

Members Absent: Melody Allison (13), Carissa Phillips (13), Mara Thacker (14)

Additional Attendees: Emma Clausen (Information Literacy GA), Meredith Riddle (Incoming Information Literacy GA)


1. Welcome, Introductions and Agenda Review

 Lisa introduced Meredith Riddle the incoming Info Lit GA. Lisa reviewed the agenda and asked committee members if there were any additional items to add. No additions were made.

2. Acclamations and Accolades

The committee welcomed Sandy back after her absence.

3. Blackboard Collaborate Update

Lisa noted that units have used Blackboard Collaborate for a few sessions with success. There may be issues with the administrative side of Blackboard Collaborate. Some units are sharing the same administrative account, which makes customizing administrative modules difficult at this time. Lisa will work with the Office of Continuing Education to resolve the issue. The afternoon Information Literacy workshop in June on Blackboard Collaborate may become one-on-one sessions.

4. June 11 Information Literacy Workshop and Lunch

Four people registered for the morning workshop on using clickers with Susan. Susan discussed the need for participants to bring class examples and assignments to the workshop. Susan will cover example activities. Susan noted that the TurningPoint software has been updated – they are offering a better support system for users.

5. LibGuide Names – Review of CIC Library Approaches

The committee continued the conversation from the previous meeting about articulating a recommended language for LibGuides. The committee briefly reviewed of names used for LibGuides by the libraries of CIC institutions. The library currently uses three different names depending on what type of guide it is: e.g., class or research. The committee wants the language to be intuitive to the user; avoiding jargon is important. The committee discussed that the phrase “library guide” could mean either created by the library or about the library. The committee discussed how unit pages and the Library Gateway refer to LibGuides. Lisa noted that a Web Advisory Group will be charged for the Library by CAPT. They will be maintaining and updating the Gateway.

6. Information for the New University Librarian – Brainstorm

The committee discussed what they will communicate about information literacy to the new University Librarian. Lisa invited committee members to share ideas about anticipated projects and initiatives. Committee members discussed classroom space for instruction and distance learning, and continued support for professional development. The committee noted a long tradition of supporting librarians pursuing professional development.

The committee discussed the instruction duties of subject librarians. The committee discussed how instruction is one of many competing demands on subject librarians and how the committee might better support their instruction. The committee discussed unit versus individual instruction responsibilities. The committee also discussed graduate assistant support of instruction.

The committee discussed how sabbatical and vacancy coverage affect instruction. The committee discussed the former availability of a stipend to compensate sabbatical and vacancy coverage.

7. ITHAKA S&R Faculty Survey Results – Preview July Discussion

The committee discussed the ITHAKA S&R Faculty Survey results and how they relate to information literacy. The committee discussed how to leverage the results of the survey related to information literacy in order to engage the Library in a conversation about student learning and instruction. Committee members will review the survey results and continue the conversation at the next meeting, which Jen Yu, Library Assessment Coordinator, will attend.

Submitted by Emma Clausen