June 1, 2015 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

June 1, 20151:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.                  Approve Minutes, May 28
2.                  Question Time
3.                  June Hiring Plan
4.                  PRC changes due to sabbaticals
5.                  Search Committees – Chair responsibilities
6.                  Innovation fund Final Report from Hahn, Avery

7.                  Privacy Policy Committee charge

8.                  Head, Coordinator, and Assistant in Faculty Job Titles

9.                  Committee Assignments

Minutes Details


John Wilkin, chair; Kirstin Dougan, vice-chair, JoAnn Jacoby, secretary; Tim Cole, Lori Mestre, Bill Mischo, Lynne Rudasill (call in), Jennifer Teper, Sarah Williams


1.                  Approve Minutes, May 28
Minutes were accepted with changes by a motion from Kirstin Dougan, seconded by Sarah Williams.

Approval of May 11 meeting deferred pending revisions.
2.                  Question Time
John has recently returned from an ARL Directors meeting. They are moving a lot of things forward and there will be proposals at the fall meeting in response to the discussions at the meeting.

EC discussed candidates using social media to announce that they have been hired in the Library, before an official offer has been sent and before the BOT has approved the hire. They determined that there is not much the Library can do.

EC discussed moving forward with the hiring plan in light of the budget reduction exercise. A motion was made to not post any new position announcements until after June 23, when EC will discuss the budget reduction plans. It was determined that, as long as we don’t make offers, open positions can continue to move forward, although all positions that have not been filled are subject to not being filled, based on the budget reductions.
3.         June Hiring Plan
EC prioritized the positions.
4.         PRC Changes Due to Sabbaticals
Names were suggested.

5.                  Search Committees – Chair responsibilities
Contacting candidates not being considered
Cindy Kelly is working with ODEA to determine the best way to do this.
Contacting candidates who are qualified, that the search is ongoing
Cindy Kelly will provide template language to be inserted into the search committee manual. Jennifer will talk to Tom Teper about getting that language into the manual.
6.         Innovation fund Final Report from Hahn, Avery
This was deferred to the next meeting.

7.         Privacy Policy Implementation Team charge
This was deferred to the next meeting.

8.         Committee Assignments

This was deferred to the next meeting.