July 8, 2013 Meeting of User Education Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

July 8, 201310:00 am - 11:00 am Library 428

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


Members Present: Susan Avery (ex officio), Kirstin Dougan (14), Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe (ex officio) – Chair, Carissa Phillips (13), Sandra Wolf (14)

Members Absent: Merinda Hensley (ex officio), Elizabeth Sheehan (13), Mara Thacker (14), Mark Wardecker (14)

Additional Attendees: Jen-chien Yu (Coordinator for Library Assessment), Meredith Riddle (Information Literacy GA)


1. Welcome and Agenda Review

Lisa welcomed Jen-chien Yu as a presenter. Lisa reviewed the agenda and asked committee members if there were any additional items to add. No additions were made.

2. Connecting Users to Online Journals

Lisa alerted the committee to the CAPT discussion about consistent terms for labeling online journal article access. The committee discussed patron confusion with different language used to describe links in the online catalog to online journals, such as the blue DISCOVER link and hyperlinks for “UIUC Online Collection.” The committee discussed the role of the Web Advisory Group in this matter as well as the need for feedback from the Reference Services Committee. The committee identified the need for specific examples and the challenges of multiple screens related to our DISCOVER links.

3. ITHAKA S + R Survey Results

Jen presented an overview of the ITHAKA Faculty Survey report. Jen explained that a working group is identifying key findings and preparing an executive summary. Jen presented a chart that elucidated the flow of survey questions, including the randomized questions related to reading, discovery, and delivery. Due to randomization, only half of faculty received questions regarding teaching; the other half received questions regarding writing.

Jen highlighted important findings regarding lower division students. The committee discussed instructor expectations for students to find and use secondary academic sources. The committee also discussed expectations and perceived value of student interactions with librarians.

Jen defined and presented cross tabs related to faculty teaching, research, and perceptions of the library. The committee discussed the multidimensional needs and concerns of research faculty. The committee also discussed the perceived need for improved information literacy skills. The committee found potential ambiguity whether information literacy is perceived as a teaching responsibility of faculty, the academic library, or some combination of both. Respondents’ patterns of positive support for the library were noted by the committee.

Submitted by Meredith Riddle