July 8, 2013 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

July 8, 20131:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.                  2:00 – Lisa Romero, IHLC NSM Report
2.                 Approve minutes from June 18 
3.                 Question Time 
4.                 PRC for new faculty
5.                 Replace any PRC member on sabbatical
6.                 Innovation Funding Proposals
7.                 Zero Percent Appointment Document
8.                Zero Time Appointment for faculty member

Minutes Details


Paula Kaufman, chair; Chris Prom, vice-chair; Mary, Laskowski, Nancy O’Brien, Carissa Phillips, Lynne Rudasill, David Ward, Visitors- Lisa Romero, Beth Woodard; Recording-Kim Matherly


1.                 1:30 – Beth Woodard update
There were no positions to comment on. EC discussed, with Beth, different ideas for presenting our positions at ALA. Sharing a booth with GSLIS at ALA significantly increased Library visibility. Paula suggested putting our positions and other information about the Library on USBs and giving them away at the booth.
2.                 2:00 – Lisa Romero, IHLC NSM Report
The group consulted with the Special Collections Division, which was very helpful.

EC discussed some of the recommendations, such as hiring a processing specialist. EC will discuss an implementation plan at a later meeting.
3.                 Approve minutes from June 18 
Approved with a motion from Nancy O’Brien, seconded by Mary Laskowski.
4.                 Question Time 
A personnel issue was discussed.

David will bring up an item at the Faculty meeting asking for key points that faculty feel should be included in an orientation for John Wilkin.

Budget – there will be a modest increase. The Library asked for $250k one time catch up for Engineering and Physical Sciences and received $100k.

SWOT Analysis– Once these are received, they will be printed out for John Wilkin. A copy will also go to Archives.
5.                 PRC for New Faculty Member
Suggestions were made and Paula will contact the faculty.
6.                 Replace any PRC member on sabbatical
The only PRC member on sabbatical in FY14 has agreed to continue to serve.
7.                 Innovation Funding Proposals
All five proposals will be funded. Paula will send out an email.

Kirstin Dougan – MPAL iPad Loans
Valerie Hotchkiss – ShE-books Pilot/Head Start Project
Jennifer Hain Teper, in cooperation with Cherie Weible, William Schlaack, and Annette Morris – Last “test” phase of a proposed change in the way that preservation and conservation select and prioritize materials for treatment within our units.
Jennifer Hain Teper and Cher Schneider, in cooperation with Dr. Rohit Bhargava, Beckman Institute – Pilot research on the use of cutting edge spectroscopic imaging and other current analytical testing approaches to anticipate appropriate conservation treatments based on their interactions with materials and long-term effects.
Lynn Wiley, Michael Norman, and Mary Laskowski – Building a Collaborative Cooperative Cataloging Tracking System (CCTS)
8.                 Zero Percent Appointment Document
Documented was accepted and will be posted to EC’s policy page
9.                 Zero Time Appointment for a faculty member
This will be brought to the next Faculty meeting.