July 2, 2015 Meeting of Area Studies

Time and Location of Meeting

July 2, 2015

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


IAS Staff Meeting

July 2, 2015

Present:  Jan Adamczyk, Kit Condill, Lisa Renee Kemplin, Ula Lechtenberg, Joe Lenkart, Xiaoping Qi, and Steve Witt

Announcements and Accolades:

  1. The Fisher Forum Guide has been getting good reviews. Georgia, Russia is interested in using the Violence in Russia guide. 
  2. There are new Japanese and South Asia websites thanks to Brishti-GH for summer.


  1. IAS compiled a list of databases to be added to the Easy Search “What am I searching” drop down list a few years back. Suggestion is to have GH that are working the desk compare the lists of databases to narrow down the ones that we want added to the existing IAS list. This list should also prioritize the major ones without repeating databases already on the list. The issue of searching non Roman script remains.
  2. The monies for buying trips for FY16 are on hold due to budget reductions. Some alternative funding sources include gift account for collections. There is also no word yet on future buying trips for FY16.


  1. The Collection Development Committee met and have a model budget for FY16. Even though they are working with a flat budget in actuality there will be a reduction to cover the increase in costs for serials. This would affect the monies left over for monographs. Both the Hebrew and Latin America journals had a negative balance. 
  2. ITEC’s fall series will be coordinated by Mara in September with the theme of comics.
  3. Slavic Summer Research Lab is holding bibliographic sessions as well as providing tours for participants. Kit, Jan, Ula, Sveta, and Joe have been conducting these. To date approximately 19 have been held with a projection of 30-40 by the end of the SRL. Steve inquired if these training sessions could continue throughout the year for general patrons. Plans will include to provide some opportunities throughout the next year.


  1. IAS orientation for fall will be August 21. Donations are welcomed to help provide lunch for the students. All staff are invited to join the lunch at noon in RM 323c. We are also looking for donations of  couple large bags of chips, couple of litters of drinks, and desserts. We will be ordering sandwiches from Jimmy John’s.