July 13, 2020 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

July 13, 20201:30 pm - 3:00 pm Zoom Meeting

Agenda Details




July 13, 2020 


428 Library 


  1. Approve minutes – July 6 
  1. Question Time 
  1. Continue discussion on broader EC representation 
  1. 2-2:30pm – AULs 
  1. Main Library Project (with Ward, Holder, M. Laskowski, T. Teper) 

Minutes Details




July 13, 2020

1:30-3:00 pm

Zoom Conference Call


Attendees: John Wilkin (Chair); David Ward (Vice-Chair); Paula Carns; William Maher; William Mischo; Mara Thacker; Jennifer Teper (Secretary); Mary Laskowski, Sara Holder,

and Lynne Thomas. Lucretia Williams; Recording


AULs present: Heidi Imker, Tom Teper, and Cherié Weible. Chris Prom emailed in his report.


  1. Minutes of the July 6, 2020 EC minutes meeting were approved upon the motion by Mara Thacker and second by Lynne Thomas.


  1. Question time – Dean Wilkin updated EC on the most recent Council of Deans meeting and he also had a meeting with Andreas Cangellaris. There is nothing new to report. While there is a great deal of activity and interest in responding to the new ICE rule, all of this has been reported and shared with campus and the news.


  1. Continue discussion on broader EC representation – Dean Wilkin opened discussion on the summary from Jennifer Teper regarding EC representation and ways to expand input into decision-making across a broader, more representative body of the entire Library workforce. Part of this discussion centered on the University Statutes limiting membership of College Executive Committees. EC discussed formulating a proposal to change the University Statues, stating that the Library should make sure that we’re serving as a model to other units that may have broader staffing representation, and that this is not just a local concern. EC wants to promote this proposal as a broader voice of inclusion across the entire campus. Dean Wilkin asked whether it would be appropriate to adjust the representation of the discussion to be about not broader inclusion in EC, but broader inclusion in the administrative advisory guidance process for the Library. Also, this topic should be introduced for library-wide discussion. This discussion will be added to a future EC Agenda. EC plans to invite members of LSSC and LCAP to future meetings to continue this conversation.


  1. AUL updates –

Heidi Imker–

  • Prepared brief “hand-off” documentation for the Scholarly Commons, Scholarly Communication and Publishing, and the RDS and have provided to Sara, Tom, and Chris, respectively
  • Similarly, shared a “AUL in the Grant Process” doc with Chris and he, Susan, and I met for the handoff
  • Wendy Balthazor’s first day is today so great timing; Kathie has been extraordinary in her willingness to help us during this time
  • Peg has taken on chairing the Task Force for Research Support and we had a productive meeting this morning – Watch LibFAC for more information
  • As far as I know, there are no outstanding issues on my end to tie up after Wednesday


Chris Prom – Fulfillment

    • Detailed workflow planning well underway
      • ETAS links incorporated, working on suppression of print borrowing to follow for ETAS items (holding records will persist and exceptions would need to be requested via a subject specialist and circulated via Alma)
    • Digitization: Plan for 21-day auth access, for locally digitized items; estimate is we can digitization 80 items per week (1 hour per person per hour) unless we run second shift; possibly add staff or equipment if scale demands
    • Print reserve issues currently under discussion; need to quarantine items in alignment with OCLC/Batelle study.
  • Reference and Instruction
    • Plan in place for reference and research support services
    • Plan for instruction is in process (survey), preference for remote.
    • Consulting regarding study space and ‘reopening’. Provost request we study ways in which COVID status might be incorporated into our plans.
  • Communications
    • Staffing message forthcoming, as well as . . .
    • General updates to COVID 19 Pages, targeted communications
    • Met LAS Research and Professional Dev Committee.  Good conversation with a few questions passed back to appropriate groups.


Tom Teper – ACS Update

  • The unit has resumed a significant amount of onsite work for individuals that are primarily working with physical materials. They are mostly half-days. They have been working to prepare items while on-site and complete work at home in the PM (with a couple folks working on physical items almost completely remotely). Cataloging is working. Acquisitions personnel are working, but they are also working on readying things to open Alma to regular ordering, etc…
  • Three individuals announce retirements and/or separations in the coming months.


  • FY21 Collections Budget
    • We are going to operate as if we have 100% inflation coverage at this point. Tom asked Chad and Dustin to begin fleshing out Alma with allocations that represent this (which will help us to actually place orders, create POs, etc…). Once they start, they will post a notice to the Library indicating that they are posting those figures and that we will adjust individual subject allocations as needed as the year progresses.


  • E-Resources Search
    • The position was posted and closes in mid-August. Recruiting has started.


  • Library Building Project
    • Very productive meeting this AM with F&S personnel on developing the program statement over the next several weeks. This statement will inform the A/E search process.
    • Over the next couple weeks, we will be working with the Archives and RBML on a shared vision statement.


  • Scholarly Communications and Publishing
    • Started talking with Heidi about transitioning the SC&P operations to Tom



Cherié Weible – Locker Delivery System

  • Continuing to work out the workflow; ordering more lockers; calling on more staff from the departmental libraries
  • Scanning for DocExpress – Continuing to have issues with accuracy; working to get this solved before the Fall semester
  • Alma/Primo – Michael Norman answering feedback questions from patrons regarding Primo. Cherie Weible and Janelle Sander answering feedback questions from staff regarding Alma and developing new workflows
  • Back-to-work on-site – Continuing to get staff back on site and prepare for adequate coverage for the fall semester. Working with Fulfillment Group to plan for Fall services.



  1. Main Library Project (with David Ward, Sara Holder, Mary Laskowski, and Tom Teper) – Dean Wilkin updated EC on the next phase of planning for the Library Building Project. Tom Teper and Dean Wilkin had a meeting with F&S, kicking off planning for the architect and engineering phase of the Undergraduate renovation. The meeting was very helpful. They were given a clearer timeline on when things go to the Trustees, what deliverables are necessary, and when the Undergraduate Renovation will impact the Main Library. Right now, the anticipated timeline for wrapping up the construction in the Undergraduate Library will be in early 2024.   Tom presented EC with a charge and proposed membership for a revised working group to work on the Undergraduate renovation. Right now, we can also start discussing membership and a charge for a group to lead discussions of Main Library planning, as we need to start thinking about moving Undergrad’s services into the Main Library by Sept of 2022.


While the commitment for future stages of the Library Building Project is still strong and will continue to move forward, the University does see this as the next priority.