July 12, 2021 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

July 12, 20211:30 pm - 3:00 pm Zoom Meeting

Agenda Details




July 12, 2021


Zoom Meeting




  1. Approve minutes – June 28, 2021
  2. Question Time
  3. Strategy for AUL for User Services Role
  4. Outstanding Faculty Award
  5. Open positions
  6. 5-Year Unit Head Revised Procedure
    1. Process Table
  7. UGL spaces assessment group
  8. OEC Grant Funding Rubric
  9. STEM Entrepreneurship and Business Librarian

Minutes Details




July 12, 2021

1:30-3:00 pm

Zoom Conference Call


EC Attendees: John Wilkin (Chair); William Maher (Vice-Chair); Dan Tracy (Secretary); Mara Thacker, Kelli Trei, Jennifer Teper, and Peg Burnette. Lucretia Williams, Recording



  1. Minutes – The June 28, 2021 EC meeting minutes were approved with minor corrections upon the motion by Bill Maher and second by Kelli Trei.


  1. Question Time –
    • Dean Wilkin updated EC on the Salary Program. The Library has been asked to implement the 2% salary program. There are restrictions in what we can do in these programs and can’t deviate too much from the numerical targets. We are also required to make it a merit-based salary program. Dean Wilkin is working with the Library Business Office to get things into the salary planner and then plans to engage in a more systematic review of compression and equity in the fall.
    • A question was asked about replacing a member of the MUGLI Space Planning group due to a departure. EC approved the replacement request.


  1. Strategy for AUL for User Services Role – Dean Wilkin acknowledged that David Ward, Mary Laskowski, and Sara Holder have been tremendous additions in their work as directors with the Library. They’ve helped through some very challenging times and their work has been very beneficial. As the directors approach their one year anniversary, Dean Wilkin would like to have further discussions regarding the search process for an AUL for User Services at a future EC meeting. This meeting would include the new EC membership, LSSC, and LCAP to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the current approach, what we learned from it, what the next steps are, and timing. These conversations/perspectives will help aid in future searches. Dean Wilkin will also want to include discussion about whether this should be an internal search versus a national search. A recommendation was made to take this forward to a library hangout discussion after this group discussion.


  1. Outstanding Faculty Award – Based on a request from the Awards Committee, EC discussed reinstating the Outstanding Faculty Award. EC is in favor of reinstituting the award program once the parameters are outlined. Mara Thacker will serve as the liaison to bring feedback to the Awards and Recognition Committee.


  1. Open positions – Dean Wilkin updated EC on open positions. After our budget reduction, we have a half million dollars to use on the list of positions that have been held open. We will need to have a process to prioritize positions. EC will discuss the prioritization with LCAP and LSSC in August.

EC unanimously agreed to move forward with the Metadata Librarian position that was already approved as Visiting, and the final job description will be sent to Library HR.


  1. 5-Year Unit Head Revised Procedure – Held for a future meeting.


  1. UGL Spaces assessment group – Jen-chien Yu joined this portion of the meeting. She and David Ward updated EC on the updated thinking on the model for this group proposed in the MUGLI report. Two models discussed including the reference management team and a structure used for a similar process at Michigan, although the latter may not translate well to our environment. The reference model may work best for us, using divisional representation. The name “Space Management Team” was suggested as an alternative.


  1. OEC Grant Funding Rubric – The committee’s guidelines for their new grant program was shared with EC. If anyone has feedback they can send it to the committee.


  1. STEM Entrepreneurship and Business Librarian – This will be discussed further at subsequent EC meeting.



The meeting adjourned at 3:00 PM.