July 11, 2016 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

July 11, 20161:00 pm - 4:00 pm 230B Main Library

Agenda Details


1.   1:00-1:30 – AULs
a.   Retreat and strategic action framework next steps.  The retreat summaries and a link to the “next steps” powerpoint presentation are up on the strategic plan website.
b.   We agreed to draft a joint message from EC and the AUL’s for LIBNEWS and LON (August?) to update Library faculty and staff on the next steps and time frame for making decisions to pursue recommendations from the retreat and strategic framework. Let’s discuss the content of that joint message, and any revisions that are needed to the next steps powerpoint document.
c.    IHLC– JoAnn
2.   1:30-2:00 – Humanities & Interdisciplinary Scholars’ Collaboratory Strategy & Planning Group – JoAnn Jacoby, Beth Namachchivaya 
3.   Approve minutes from June 13
4.   Question Time
5.   RBML Search
6.   PRC for faculty member
7.   Innovation Fund extension
8.   Committee Assignments

Minutes Details


1.      1:00-1:30 – AULs
Retreat and strategic action framework next steps.  The retreat summaries and a link to the “next steps” powerpoint presentation are up on the strategic plan website: http://www.library.illinois.edu/administration/strategicplanning/

Tom Teper gave a brief update, building on the retreat and strategic action framework, for Collections and Technical Services. He recapped progress so far regarding the retreat, retreat summaries, and the meta-themes previously identified for work from 2015-2018. Major foci for Collections and Technical Services include the budget, work with CARLI on a new ILS, discovery and delivery, and Collections and Collection Management. Specifics will be included in more detailed messages through LON and LIBNEWS.

A joint message from EC and the AUL’s for LIBNEWS and LON is forthcoming to update Library faculty and staff on the next steps and time frame for making decisions to pursue recommendations from the retreat and strategic framework.

Beth S. Namachchivaya distributed a draft message for further review and approval.

A personnel issue was discussed.

2.      1:30-2:00 – Humanities & Interdisciplinary Scholars’ Collaboratory Strategy & Planning Group – JoAnn Jacoby, Beth Namachchivaya 
JoAnn Jacoby and Beth Namachchivaya discussed the draft charge for the Humanities and Interdisciplinary Scholars’ Collaboratory Strategy and Planning Group. A revised draft will be sent to the Library for comment.
3.      Approve minutes from June 13
June 13 minutes accepted with corrections by a motion from Lynne Rudasill, seconded by Nancy O’Brien.
4.      Question Time
Campus will continue to use the “hiring plan” formalism, but with some very important distinctions, the most important of which is that the hiring plan will not constitute an approval process from the provost. The plan should be a reflection of thoughtful planning and integration of hiring with consideration of strategic planning *and* resources. It is our responsibility to ensure we have sufficient resources to accomplish our proposed hiring.

Council of Deans discussion
Budget reductions: Current plans are to move forward with planned reductions campus-wide. State budget relief has helped ease concerns regarding long-term cash flow, and the Library is well-positioned to absorb the cuts already articulated.

Because we have a clearer sense of the budget allocation, a message from Greg Knott regarding fund allocations will be coming out soon.

Dean Wilkin re-emphasized his message from the July LON regarding hiring practices and the importance of diversity.

Security: Dean Wilkin has been in discussions with Jeff Christenson, chief of police, and the Chancellor’s office for several months to try to shape an appropriate path forward. Security for the Library is a campus responsibility, and all parties agree on that point. The safety of our patrons and staff is the highest concern and we’ll be working steadily on that issue.

5.      RBML Search
After consideration as to the importance of RBML’s function in relation to the rest of our operational units, and following consultation with peer institutions, Dean Wilkin has concluded that the head of RBML should report to an AUL to better integrate with other library operations. After discussion with the AULs, and thoughts about special opportunities for synergies, it was determined that the new head of RBML will report to Tom Teper.
6.      A PRC committee was recommended for a faculty member
Names were suggested.

7.      Innovation Fund extension
A requested extension for the University Library Occasional Reports Series was reviewed and approved.
8.      Committee Assignments

The Executive Committee reviewed committee vacancies and volunteers and made recommendations for appointments.


6/15/2016 – Approved filling the Infrastructure Management and support research programmer position off cycle.