January 28, 2021 Meeting of Library Staff Support Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

January 28, 2021

Agenda Details


LSSC Meeting Agenda 01-22-21

  1. Approve November Minutes
  2. Liaison & Committee Reports
  3. E.C. meeting (01-25-21)
    1. Recap – Budget draft
    2. Plans/ideas for next month, not on calendar yet but anticipate 2pm Feb 22, 2021 (last Friday of the month)
  4. Conference CSE support
    1. Reaching Forward South / ALA
    2. Online potentially offering opportunity to more folks.
    3. Idea: subcommittee work?
    4. Conference awardees (status for follow-up with folks from last year)
  5. Other Comments and Updates
    1. Professional Development Days Spring Semester
    2. Diversity Committee (social distanced option)
    3. DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access Task Force)
    4. OEC (Outreach and Engagement Committee)
    5. Building Project


Minutes Details


Attendees for January 28, 2021 zoom meeting

Kim Hutcherson (Administration)
Jan Adamczyk (Area Studies)
Karen Huck (Arts & Humanities)
Kristen Blankenship (Central Public Services)
Michelle Self-Ballard (Central Public Services)
Jessica Sommers (Law)
Erik Chapman (Life Sciences)
Bernadette Braun (Physical Sciences)
Julia Cross (Residential Hall Libraries)
Tony Hynes (Special Collections)
Rachael Johns (Technical Services)


Minutes for January 28, 2021 meeting

Approve November Minutes: Approved with no corrections.

Liaison Reports and Updates:

Administration: Assistant Dean for Business and Human Resources has been filled.  Susan Breakenridge starts March 16, 2021.  The feedback survey for the virtual Library Recognition Even is due tomorrow (01/29/21).

Administrative Council:  Did not meet December or January.

Area Studies:  December meeting had guest speakers David Ward and Sara Holder.  Library Building Project on hold, but the  Undergraduate Library move continues, which has a name.  It’s called MUGLI which stands for Main Undergrad Library Integration.  The move is to be completed by 2021. Special collections vault will replace Undergraduate library in June or July 2022.  The move per collection is still being discussed as well as where the employees will be going. Intend to complete report in April, announce in May.   It is important for employees to talk with those involved to reduce the “pain points”.At the January meeting, Faculty reported on their research.

Arts & Humanities:  Discussed future budget; Kirsten Johnson talked about the UGL transition; There was a discussion about partnering with others for programs; The Outreach & Engagement Program received funding for projects, which will soon be open for requests.  The Training and Development Committee came up with a fun game to test your knowledge for Alma, look for that announcement coming soon.

Central Public Services:  Discussed the UGL transition.

Central Access Service:  Locker hours back for spring semester, going well.  However, not open on Saturday like they were last semester.

UGL:  Michelle Self-Ballard is on the Spaces Team for the planning committee, which is assigned to determine how much space collections take.  Also determine various parts of library study space, such as how much is used, how much other libraries need.  There is so much not known yet with the move.

Law: Did not meet.  All employees still working remote.

Life Sciences:   Discussed the collections budget and how to prioritize; discussed cost of current print requests, as well as what type of service to provide patrons in the fall; discussed committee reports. Kelli Trei is in the MUGLI working group that determines best use of library space to keep up with library instruction that was in the Undergrad Library.  This allows ACES the  opportunity to update one of their spaces.  Erik Chapman spoke DEIA task force, which met twice.  Chairs were assigned and they developed framework. ACES is receiving some UGL material.

Physical Sciences and Engineering: Did not meet.

Math: While the Math Library Murals are being worked on with a smelly applicator, all employees are working remote.  This should take a couple weeks.

Residence Hall:  Open Monday-Friday 10:00 am -5:00 pm at both locations.  Over 70 patrons came in Jan 19th.  Collaborations with UGL, ACES, and Resource Center for virtual events.  Discussing next year’s budget with priority being hiring a few staff, as well as staying open longer and on weekends.  Discussing funds for collections.  Hope to vaccine front line staff in February.

Special Collections: Discussed building project.  The Special Collections Consultant is pulling all information from subgroups for the architects.  Also discussed the UGL transition.  The 2020 Virtual Exhibit hasn’t been released yet.  Discussed Committee reports.

Technical Services:  Did not meet.

Preservation: Welcomes temporary CS Christine Willson and Tabby Garbutt started Dec 1st.  Lincoln Machula also joined Preservation, replacing Erich Burkhardt.

Helpful links:



  1. EC. meeting (01-25-21)
    1. Recap – Budget draft
    2. Plans/ideas for next month, not on calendar yet but anticipate 2pm Feb 22, 2021 (last Friday of the month)
      1. Communication – budget for staff/priorities
      2. How to reach out to UGL staff
      3. Stress Management
  2. Conference CSE support
      1. Reaching Forward South / ALA
      2. Online potentially offering opportunity to more folks.
      3. LSSC will check on other opportunities.
      4. Idea: subcommittee work?
        1. LSSC agreed this was a good approach.
      5. Conference awardees (status for follow-up with folks from last year)
        1. Per Dean John Wilkin: Those who were awarded support for the canceled conference will have their support rolled over. Our ability to support two additional people for 2021 will depend on our budget. If the conference is in-person and involves travel costs, and if our budget continues to be limited, we are unlikely to be able to support two additional people. We will need to wait until January before we can make a decision about two additional attendees for 2021.
  3. Other Comments and Updates
      1. Professional Development Days Spring Semester
      2. *drop in hours for LSSC
      3. Diversity Committee (social distanced option)
      4. DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access Task Force)
      5. OEC (Outreach and Engagement Committee)
      6. Building Project 

Next LSSC Zoom Meeting: February 25, 2021