January 25, 2021 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

January 25, 20211:30 pm - 3:00 pm Zoom Meeting

Agenda Details




January 25, 2021


Zoom Meeting


  1. Approve minutes – January 11, 2021
  2. Question Time
  3. Innovation Fund Application
  4. Research Data Librarian Search Committee
  5. PRC Sabbatical Replacement
  6. Visiting Appointment Extension Request
  7. Extension Request for Library Strategic Funding Request
  8. 2-2:30 Co-chairs/Chairs of LSSC and LCAP
    1. Draft Budget Discussion
  9. Budget
  10. Research Task Force Report

Minutes Details




January 25, 2021

1:30-3:00 pm

Zoom Conference Call


EC Attendees: John Wilkin (Chair); William Maher (Vice-Chair); Dan Tracy (Secretary); Mara Thacker, Mary Laskowski, Kelli Trei, Jennifer Teper, and Peg Burnette. Lucretia Williams, Recording


Invited Attendees: LSSC/LCAP Chairs and Co-Chairs: Rachel Johns, Erik Chapman, John Laskowski, and Jake MacGregor


Meeting Documents: Matthews Innovation Fund Proposal, Task Force for Research Support Final Report


  1. Minutes – The January 11, 2021 EC meeting minutes were approved upon the motion by Mara Thacker and second by Mary Laskowski.


  1. Question Time – There were no questions from EC.


  1. Innovation Fund Application – EC approved the revised Innovation Fund Application from Emilee Matthews upon the motion by Dan Tracy and second by Kelli Trei. EC all in favor.

Lucretia will contact the applicant of EC’s decision and report back to EC.


  1. Research Data Librarian Search Committee – Dean Wilkin noted that this position is funded through an allocation from the OVCRI. These funds are sequestered for this purpose to ensure a consistent level of support for the early life of the Research Data Service. Eventually these funds will be folded into the general budget, but for now are excluded from our budget considerations, and the position was approved for inclusion in the hiring plan by the Provost. The OVCRI has also given input on the updated position. EC appointed committee members and Lucretia will reach out to them to see if they are willing to serve.


  1. PRC Sabbatical Replacement – EC selected a PRC replacement for a faculty member going on sabbatical. Lucretia will contact the EC appointed PRC replacement to see if they are able to serve and then report back to EC.


  1. Visiting Appointment Extension Request – EC approved the request for extension of a Visiting Appointment. Bill Maher will follow up on this.


  1. Extension Request for Library Strategic Funding Request – EC approved the extension of the Library Strategic Funding Request. Lucretia will follow up on this matter.


  1. 2:30-3:00 – LSSC and LCAP Chairs/Co-Chairs – LSSC and LCAP members did not have additional agenda items, and discussion proceeded to the budget document. The Senate Committee on the Library has discussed the draft and was supportive, and did not ask for changes but did ask some helpful questions. Dean Wilkin reminded everyone that document is written in response to a set of questions and template from the Provost office


The deadline came and went for the first round of articulations or commitments on the state voluntary retirement program. LCAP and LSSC did receive a version of the budget document for further discussion. There is enough information to change language around the parts relative to the staff voluntary retirement program and we can confirm that we have funds to be able to meet the budget return deduction target.


LCAP –LCAP representatives updated EC that they did have the opportunity to discuss the budget documents with LCAP and had some additional conversations with the LSSC representatives. They sent some minor copyediting suggestions for incorporation. They noted a general concern that the library may need to take care in framing its ability to take reductions and in balancing language about opportunities and threats in the building project. They also noted we should explain what an institutional repository is for an external audience.


LSSC –LSSC did not have major additional comments, but they emphasized that from a staff perspective, the threats section felt very real. The depth of thought into some of the issues was appreciated and better than expected necessarily in a budget report. They appreciated this approach.


  1. Budget – This discussion was incorporated into the visit by LSSC and LCAP representatives.


  1. Research Task Force Report – Dean Wilkin mentioned to EC that this was a lot of work and it is a substantive report. There are many important recommendations. Dean Wilkin is enthusiastic about returning to running a residency program, which is one of the recommendations.


EC had broad enthusiasm for the report. EC accepted the report with a motion by Mary Laskowski and second from Mara Thacker. EC began to discuss where it might be able to make progress on recommendations at this time, and plans to continue to discuss next steps in upcoming meetings. It was noted that the related task force on Peer Review Committees still had work to do that may inform some responses, but that task force has been delayed by the pandemic, as it did not want to suggest major changes to the PRC structure during a time with so many disruptions to life already in place.