January 25, 2016 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

January 25, 20161:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.   1:40-2:30 – AULs
a.   Special Faculty Meeting
b.   Preparing for the Hiring plan—collective brainstorming—needs, process
c.   Debrief on the retreat and review next steps
2.   2:30-3-Cindy Ingold – ClimateQual Response Team report of recommendations
3.   Approve minutes from January 11
4.   Question Time
5.   Charge for group to establish promotion process for APs – Mary Laskowski and Bill Mischo
6.   5 yr head review 
7.   Divisional Structure – look at bylaws
8.   University Library Zero Percent Appointments policy

Minutes Details


John Wilkin, chair; Kirstin Dougan, vice-chair; Mary Laskowski, secretary; MJ Han, Lori Mestre, Bill Mischo, Nancy O’Brien, Lynne Rudasill, Sarah Williams; Visitors – Joann Jacoby, Beth Namachchivaya, Tom Teper; Recording-Kim Matherly


1.   1:40-2:30 – AULs
a.   Special Faculty Meeting
EC and the AULs discussed the agenda for the March 9 faculty meeting.

b.   Preparing for the Hiring plan—collective brainstorming—needs, process
John is concerned that the new web focus for the Library is being done on a part-time basis, when we need someone dedicated to moving this forward. John talked about using the residency program to help backfill a position for someone who would be dedicated full time to moving the Library web presence forward. Soon the CMS will be replaced and the pages will need to be migrated, but more than migrated. Someone will need to look at organizational identity and then develop a maintenance program. There would be a competitive process to find the right person, within the Library, to take on this challenge. John would like to coordinate this with the June hiring plan.

Another area where the Library needs a full-time presence is in discovery. We need one or more people dedicated to this work.

A personnel issue was discussed.

The Library will go forward with a hiring plan in June (call will go out in March), until we hear otherwise.

Different positions were discussed.

John would like EC and the AULs to look at the framework for strategic action when considering the next hiring plan. The AULs will be meeting for longer periods of time and possibly more often with EC over the next few months to address the recommendations from the retreat and Strategic Planning Team.

EC briefly discussed the campus’ focus on the Design Learning Center and what the Library’s role may be. John has let the Provost know that the Library is happy to take on the management of the center.

c.    Debrief on the retreat and review next steps
This will be discussed at a future meeting with the AULs.

2.   2:30-3-Cindy Ingold – ClimateQual Response Team report of recommendations
EC talked about the best way to oversee the recommendations, to prioritize them and make sure they are carried out. John will be meeting with Cindy Ingold to discuss the best way to move this forward.

3.   Approve minutes from January 11
Minutes were accepted as amended with a motion from Nancy O’Brien, seconded by Sarah Williams.

4.   Question Time
In regards to attending to outreach, which John spoke about at the retreat, he would like to wait to embark on outreach until we have received a recommendation from the retreat.

AP committee – sessions have been well-attended and they will be submitting a proposal later this week.

John is continuing to engage Jeff Christensen (UIUC Police Chief) in discussions in regards of the presence of the Library guards after June 30.

There are a lot of questions about the Open Access Policy. This topic will be put on a future EC agenda and Beth Namachchivaya and Aaron McCollough will be invited to attend the meeting.

5.   Charge for group to establish promotion process for APs – Mary Laskowski and Bill Mischo
Deferred to another meeting.

Faculty member up for 5 yr head review
Deferred to another meeting.

7.   Divisional Structure – look at bylaws
Deferred to another meeting.

8.   University Library Zero Percent Appointments policy

Deferred to another meeting.


1/13/16 – Approved search committee for Visiting Metadata Services Specialist for DPLA (grant-funded)


1/14/16 – Approved position Description – Data Analyst