January 18, 2023 Meeting of Teaching and Learning Task Force

Time and Location of Meeting

January 18, 2023

Agenda Details


Teaching and Learning Task Force
January 18th, 2023

  1. Announcements
  2. Assessment subgroup report
  3. Professional development subgroup report
  4. Planning for first year report
  5. Definition of instruction updates
  6. Other

Minutes Details


Teaching and Learning Task Force
January 18th, 2023

  1. Announcements
    1. None
  2. Assessment subgroup report
    1. The team discussed adding action items next to the recommendations in the current draft.  Another suggestion was made to indicate potential time frames and next steps for each.
  3. Professional development subgroup report
    1. The team has not met since before winter break, and had nbo updates.
  4. Planning for first year report
    1. The team reviewed important milestones to include in the report, such as the discussion of priorities, survey of divisions, drafting of an instruction definition, and formation of subgroups.
  5. Definition of instruction updates
    1. The definition was compared to the definition of outreach and engagement from the Outreach and Engagement Committee.
  6. Other