January 14, 2013 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

January 14, 20131:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.                 1:30 – Beth Woodard-update on searches
2.                 Approve minutes from January 7
3.                 Question Time 
4.                 Final report – Innovations Grant on Diversity Recruitment
5.                 Hiring Request
6.                 New Service Model Proposal

7.                 Further discussion of hiring plan

Minutes Details


Paula Kaufman, chair; Mary Laskowski, Nancy O’Brien, Carissa Phillips, Lynne Rudasill, John Wagstaff, David Ward; Visitors – Beth Woodard; Recording-John Wagstaff


1.                  1:30 – Beth Woodard: update on searches
Beth provided detailed information on the progress of several current searches. She also noted that the unavailability of room 295 in the Undergraduate Library was causing scheduling and space problems in regard to candidate presentations. Some suggestions were made about possible alternative spaces. Beth also asked EC to help expedite the search process as much as possible by making sure that it did not hold up search approvals and other administration.

2.                 Approve Minutes from January 7
The Minutes were approved without amendment. Proposed Nancy; seconded Lynne.
3.                 Question Time
When might we hear about funding approval for the various data services positions? Paula is waiting to have a meeting with others to resolve this matter.

Paula reported on the recent Deans’ retreat, and will share other information from the retreat when she has it.

There is no news about LER. It was noted that 3 out of 4 of the smaller schools on campus currently have interim leadership.

4.                 Final Report – Innovations Grant on Diversity Recruitment
EC considered, and discussed, Jim Hahn’s report. The Budget Group has been approached for further resources for the project. We need to discuss ways to extend this work.

5.                 Hiring Request
The request was considered. EC will now come up with an appropriate position description for the candidate.
6.                 New Service Model Proposal

EC discussed the proposal, and put forward the names of possible NSM Team members, who will be approached.


Additional item 7: Hiring plan

The list of positions circulated by Kim during the past week was reconsidered, and some recommendations made. It was agreed to continue the discussion at EC’s next meeting on January 24, and also to discuss the next round of hiring requests due in June.