January 11, 2016 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

January 11, 20161:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.   Approve minutes from December 17
2.   Question Time
3.   Agenda for AULs meeting on 1/25
4.   Innovation Fund proposals
5.   Full PRC for faculty member
6.   Turyn Professorship
7.   PTAC deliberative policies & procedures when considering P&T cases
8.   Divisional Structure-look at bylaws
9.   EEOC chair

Minutes Details


John Wilkin, chair; Kirstin Dougan, vice-chair, Lori Mestre, Bill Mischo, Nancy O’Brien, Sarah Williams


1.   Approve minutes from December 17
Minutes were approved as amended by a motion from Lori Mestre, seconded by Sarah Williams.

2.   Question Time
John is working on the opening remarks for the retreat. He plans to recap what we’ve done with planning since the un-retreat. Many things have been done, but there are a few things from the un-retreat that need to be followed up on. One of those is a recommendation regarding international issues and John will address this with Clara Chu. Another recommendation related to outreach and engagement by the Library.

John has met with Faye Jones from Law. Faye and Jamelle Sharpe (College of Law Associate Dean for Academic Affairs) will be meeting with AHR and the Provost’s office to talk about next steps regarding the Law Library faculty. The Library will continue to work with the untenured Law Library faculty, as usual.

The Provost appointed a committee to review the Illinois Informatics Institute (I3).

Two personnel issue were discussed.

A confidential issue was discussed.

There was discussion about full PRC’s for Associate Professors promoting to Professor. EC will appoint a PRC if the Associate Professor wants one, but they do not have to have one to be considered for promotion. This topic will be added to a faculty meeting agenda, for input by the faculty.

There was discussion about the hiring plan. A call will go out in March for the June hiring plan.

Bill discussed the visiting scholar he is working with. He is trying to get the scholar a 0% appointment in the Library, because without that he is unable to get a netid or I-card or the services that go with having an I-card.

Zero-time appointments were then discussed and it was determined that the Library policy document that refers to them needs to be updated. EC recommended that visiting scholars be given a zero-time appointment. Currently, the Library policy requires a vote of the faculty. EC will send out the request via email. EC will review the policy at an upcoming meeting.

3.   Agenda for AULs meeting on 1/25
Preparing for the Hiring plan—collective brainstorming—needs, process.

4.   Innovation Fund proposals
EC reviewed the proposals. Four were approved:

Audiovisual Documentation of the Joseph Tykociner Sound on Film Preservation Project – Joshua Harris, Eric Kurt
From Remediation to Proliferation—Mainstreaming the Accessibility of Web Resources – Jemma Ku, Jon Gunderson, William Weathers
Interdisciplinary Hackathonsan Innovation Grant – Sarah Christensen, Harriet Green, Eleanor Dickson, Robert Baird, Merinda Hensley
Mapping History at the University of Illinois: a Digital Humanities Project – Ellen Swain, James Whitacre, Susanne Belovari

5.   Full PRC for a faculty member 
Faculty members were nominated.

6.   Turyn Professorship
Valerie Hotchkiss’ professorship ends on August 15, 2016. John will send out a call for applications.

7.   PTAC deliberative policies & procedures when considering P&T cases
EC accepted the changes to the policy as amended.

8.   Divisional Structure-look at bylaws

9.   EEOC chair

John Wagstaff is retiring and another member will be asked to chair.



12/18/16 – approved position description for MPAL Head and Librarian.