January 10, 2014 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

January 10, 20141:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.                   1:30-2:00 – Academic Searches and PAPE Approval – Tom Teper, Donna Hoffman, Skye Areseneau
2.                  2:00-2:30 – AULs
                     a.      Position rankings
3.                  Approve Minutes from December 9
4.                  PRC for faculty member

5.                  Question Time

6.                  Archivist for Faculty Papers-position description
7.                  Review of Librarianship, the P&T Process and the role of PRC
8.                  Web Content Management Systems Specialist position description
9.                  Innovation Fund Report – ShE-books Pilot/Head Start Project

Minutes Details


John Wilkin, chair; Bill Mischo, vice-chair; John Wagstaff, secretary; Tim Cole, Mary Laskowski, Nancy O’Brien, Carissa Phillips, Chris Prom, Jennifer Teper; Visitors-Skye Arseneau, Donna Hoffman, Sue Searing, Tom Teper


1.                   1:30-2:00 – Academic Searches and PAPE Approval – Tom Teper, Donna Hoffman, Skye Arseneau
The group discussed the differences between Academic Professionals (AP) and Civil Service (CS), what was involved in the paperwork to hire each of the classifications and how the different classifications work in the Library.

It was determined that when the search committees have finished with  job descriptions for an AP position, Skye Arseneau and Donna Hoffman will look at the descriptions and determine if they are truly AP positions as written or if they fall under the specifications for Civil Service. Once it’s determined that the positions are APs, they will then be sent to EC for approval. This is a change from the previous procedure.
2.                  2:00-2:30 – AULs

a. Position rankings

EC and the AULs discussed the positions and rankings. There are questions about some of the positions that still need to be answered. EC hopes to have the answers by the next meeting and will make the final recommendations at that time.

3.                  Approve Minutes from December 9
Minutes were approved with a motion by Nancy O’Brien, seconded by Jennifer Teper.

4.                  PRC for Faculty Member
John Wilkin will ask members to serve.
5.                  Question Time
A personnel issue was discussed.

Proposals are coming forward from the unretreat.

6.                  Archivist for Faculty Papers-position description
EC discussed the position description and approved it with changes.
7.                  Review of Librarianship, the P&T Process and the role of PRC
PTAC is working on a document. EC will revisit once they have the document.
8.                  Web Content Management Systems Specialist position description
EC suggested some changes. Nancy will make revisions and send back to EC for approval.
9.                  Innovation Fund Report – ShE-books Pilot/Head Start Project
This was deferred to another meeting.