February 7, 2022 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

February 7, 20221:30 pm - 3:00 pm Zoom

Agenda Details




February 7, 2022


Zoom Meeting



  1. Approve minutes – January 24, 2022
  2. Question Time
  3. Discuss topics to discuss for next week EC AULs/Directors
  4. Search Committee Assignment
  5. P&T Revisions Feedback Discussion
  6. Best Practices and Strategies in Hiring Recommendations
  7. Proposed revision to 5-year Unit Head Review procedures
  8. Supervisory Review


Minutes Details




February 7, 2022

1:30-3:00 pm

Zoom Conference Call


Attendees: John Wilkin (Chair); Mara Thacker (Vice-Chair); Peg Burnette, Bill Maher, Dan Tracy, Mary Laskowski, Chris Wiley, Joe Lenkart, and Kelli Trei. Lucretia Williams; Recording


Meeting Documents: Proposed Best Practices for Strategies in Hiring


  1. Approve Minutes for January 24, 2022 January 24, 2022 EC meeting minutes were approved upon the motion by Bill Maher and second by Kelli Trei.


  1. Question time – Dean Wilkin
  • The budget has been submitted and it will be shared broadly after the budget session with the Provost. Susan Breakenridge and Dean Wilkin will be the key representatives to communicate any changes to the Provost.
  • Dean Wilkin opened floor up for questions regarding his recent announcement of plans to step down as Dean of Libraries when a search can be completed. Dean Wilkin also explained the Dean search process and that it will be under the direction of the Provost. In the past the Vice Chair of EC has served as a conduit for feedback from EC to the Provost related to the search. The Provost will join EC on February 14 to discuss the search process.


  1. Discussion topics for the AULs/Directors at EC – EC suggested topics for the AULs/Directors to discuss at the next EC meeting on Monday, February 14, 2022. EC would like for the AULs/Directors to come prepared to discuss the structure of the self-study for the academic program review.


  1. Search Committee Assignments – EC appointed members to serve on an [Mortenson] AP search committee. Lucretia Williams will reach out to the appointed members to see if they are willing to serve and then report back to EC of their decision.


  1. P&T Revisions Feedback Discussion –

 EC discussed the Promotion and Tenure document and agreed that it was ready to move forward for feedback from the full faculty. The next step is for Chris Prom to present the P&T revisions document at the next Faculty meeting on February 23, 2022 for feedback.  Lucretia Williams will inform Chris Prom of EC’s decision.


  1. Best Practices and Strategies in Hiring Recommendations – Susan Breakenridge has led a group reviewing suggestions related to hiring and onboarding that resulted from the Task Force for Research Support Report, which previously submitted its recommendations to EC. EC began to review the recommendations, but will continue the conversation at a future meeting. Kelli Trei will track EC’s responses to share back with Susan Breakenridge when EC has finished its review.


  1. Proposed revision to 5-year Unit Head Review procedures – EC discussed a suggested amendment to the 5-year Unit Head Review procedures. Joe Lenkart will take the feedback and create an updated sentence for addition to the process document to clarify the options for review committees to make recommendations to resolve issues identified in the report.


  1. Supervisory Review – A request came to EC via email regarding opportunities for supervisors to get feedback. There was a lack of clarity on the scope of what was being asked. Mara Thacker will provide some existing documentation and follow up to suggest that they write a slightly more detailed version of what is being proposed for EC to consider.


Meeting adjourned at 3:05 pm