February 6, 2023 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

February 6, 20231:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Agenda Details




February 6, 2023


Zoom Meeting


  1. Approve minutes – January 23, 2023
  2. Question Time
  3. Discuss topics to discuss for next week EC AULs/Directors
  4. Discuss composition of faculty search committees
  5. Appoint search committees 
  6. Finalize Specialized Faculty group charge and membership
  7. Discuss next steps for inclusive governance discussions
  8. 2:45pm: Appoint Internal Reviewers 
  9. 5-year unit head reviews 

Minutes Details




February 6, 2023


323c Main Library


Attendees: Chris Prom (Chair); Mara Thacker (Vice-Chair), MJ Han, Kirstin Johnson, Joe Lenkart, Jennifer Teper, Kelli Trei, Chris Wiley, and Sarah Williams (recording).




  1. Approve minutes – The January 23, 2023 minutes were approved upon a motion from Kelli Trei, which was seconded by Kirstin Johnson.


  1. Question Time – Chris Prom shared and responded to the following:
    • Council of Deans had a Strategic Planning Retreat on January 27. The plan is for the new campus plan to be available late 2023/early 2024 and for the process to use existing committees, instead of establishing new committees. It will be best for the Library to wait on the campus plan before starting our own process.
    • The 95% submittal has been received for the Archives and Special Collections Building; some questions remain regarding the timing of bids.
    • Chris meets with the Provost on February 9, and the Library’s campus budget meeting is March 9. Mary Laskowski, Tom Teper, and Susan Breakenridge will join Chris at budget meeting.
    • The Senate Committee on the Library met last week.
    • Chris gave EC a couple of faculty personnel updates.
    • The Library is planning to establish a signage management and support group to help create signage templates that all libraries can use. This group will also be mentioned to Administrative Council (AC).
    • EC needs to ramp up AUL/Director reviews. Mara will send a reminder to AULs/Directors and schedule meetings for EC.  EC’s deadline for these reviews is April 30.
    • The University Archivist search was holding for the new University Librarian, but that search could resume soon since the new University Librarian should be here in time to have input in the search.
    • There is still some uncertainty about the 5-year unit head review schedule, so it would be very helpful to have an accurate and comprehensive schedule.


  1. Discuss topics to discuss for next week EC AULs/Directors – EC would like input from the AULs/Directors on their review process. EC also requested updates on any Library-wide initiatives (e.g., building project, Instruction and Spaces task forces).


  1. Discuss composition of faculty search committees – EC discussed the value and challenges of including AP or civil service staff members on faculty search committee. Each search is unique, so all circumstances need to be taken into consideration when forming search committee.  EC discussed ideas for increasing the inclusiveness of searches.


  1. Appoint search committees – EC appointed members to serve on two search committees.
  1. Finalize Specialized Faculty group charge and membership – EC Approved the charge with a minor wording clarification.


  1. Discuss next steps for inclusive governance discussions – EC had an initial discussion about steps to pursue before the new Dean starts. A larger inclusive governance discussion is planned for the next meeting with LSSC/LCP chairs on February 27.


  1. 2:45pm: Appoint Internal Reviewers – EC selected internal reviewers for a promotion case.


  1. 5-year unit head reviews – EC selected members to serve on two 5-year unit head review committees.


Meeting adjourned at 3:00pm