February 27, 2023 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

February 27, 20231:30 pm - 3:00 pm Zoom

Agenda Details




February 27, 2023


Zoom Meeting


  1. Approve minutes – February 13, 2023
  2. Question Time
  3. Prairie Research Institute (PRI) Librarian position
  4. Appoint Paper Preparers 
  5. 2-2:30 Co-chairs/Chairs of LSSC and LCP
    1. Inclusive governance next steps
    2. Update on Specialized Faculty group
  6. Innovation Fund report [Machine Learning/AI]
  7. Discuss plans for new Library Dean orientation


Minutes Details




February 27, 2023


Zoom Meeting


Attendees: Chris Prom (Chair); Mara Thacker (Vice-Chair), MJ Han, Kirstin Johnson, Joe Lenkart, Jennifer Teper, Kelli Trei, Chris Wiley, and Sarah Williams. Lucretia Williams; Recording.


Absent: N/A


Invited Attendees: LSSC/LCP co-chairs: Dulcie Vermillion, Karen Huck, and Janelle Sander


  1. Minutes –The February 13, 2023, minutes were approved with a minor edit upon a motion from Kelli Trei, which was seconded by Mara Thacker.


  1. Question Time – Chris Prom shared the following:


  • Archives and Special Collections/UGL Redevelopment
    1. Upon review of 100% submittals, F&S and Library agreed that construction documents are not ready to send forward for bid on the original schedule.
    2. The Architect and Engineering firm has been provided additional time to incorporate comments, which will take place over the next few weeks.
  • The project will go forward for bid at end of March, with expected review of bids before consideration at July Board of Trustees meeting.
  1. Assuming a contract is approved at the July Board Meeting, we anticipate that construction will begin in September, with substantial completion in spring of 2025.
  • Dual Career Position Description – The Library typically engages in Dual Career opportunities as they arise. Overall, the process benefits us greatly whether we are the lead or the partner institution. EC agreed to move a job description forward to appoint a screening committee.


  1. Prairie Research Institute (PRI) Librarian position – Starting with the rationale and recommendation submitted by the Life Sciences Division, EC had a robust discussion regarding PRI Librarian position classification. While EC noted the Specialized Faculty Task Force is just getting started, it is important for positions to be classified as appropriately as possible, especially with AP openings receiving more scrutiny from campus. A specialized faculty classification is most appropriate for the PRI Librarian position because it is a position with a limited research component. It will allow the individual to retain copyright for their work.  EC also revisited the World Languages Cataloging Coordinator position that was recently approved. Considering a similar rationale, EC also recommended this should also be a Specialized Faculty position. EC discussed how to clearly define the language of the position descriptions to establish some parameters around specialized faculty roles in the Library.

    EC appointed committee members for the PRI Librarian position and Lucretia Williams will reach out to the appointed to see if they are willing to serve and then report back to EC.


  1. Appointment of Paper Preparers – EC appointed a paper preparer to serve on a tenure case. Lucretia Williams will reach out to the appointed to see if they are willing to serve and inform EC of their decision.


  1. 2-2:30 Co-chairs of LSSC and LCP
    • Inclusive governance next steps – The group discussed generally the results of the inclusive governance survey and the importance of communication through a variety of avenues. Possible next steps included: open EC meetings or at least a move toward openness, such as sharing of information in a more timely manner; and clearer communication about the role of groups like the Budget Group and the Cabinet.
    • Update on Specialized Faculty group – EC briefed LSSC/LCP on the charge and membership of the Specialized Faculty group.


  1. Innovation Fund report – Tabled for a future EC agenda


  1. Discuss plans for new Library Dean orientation – EC suggested having a document in place for the new dean to review/assess.



Meeting adjourned at 3:00 PM.