February 27, 2017 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

February 27, 20171:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.   1:30-2-AULs

a.   Budget
b.   Transition – including temporary concession for back-fills
c.   Follow-up from retreat – strategically in their areas, what retreat does for them in shaping their areas going forward. 
d.   Framework for strategic action. EC voted to amend the expiration date of the Strategic Framework to extend through 2018

2.   2:00-2:30 – 1st Floor Central Service Point Planning Group

3.   Approve minutes from February 13
4.   Question Time

5.   Position approval

6.   Advanced Technologies Working Group – revised document

7.   Humanities and Interdisciplinary Scholars Collaboratory Strategy and Planning Group Interim Report

Minutes Details


Bill Mischo, chair; Nancy O’Brien, vice-chair; Kirstin Dougan, Harriett Green, MJ Han, Lori Mestre, Ellen Swain; Visitors – Peg Burnette, Sara Holder, Wendy Gregory, JoAnn Jacoby, Beth Namachchivaya, Carissa Phillips, Tom Teper; Recording-Kim Matherly


1.   1:30-2-AULs
a.   Budget
All the AULs plan to take the budget information received and run a spread sheet that will calculate how many dollars each area has to come up with. As they meet with those in their areas, they will talk about where the reductions might come from and look at the impact across units.

Some areas are larger and have more flexibility, so it is unlikely that there will be across-the-board reduction in all units. The Library will need to submit its budget plan by the end of April, so Bill will need the information by mid-April.

Due to the short turnaround time for the budget plan, the AULs asked for an extension to the deadline for their annual reports. The new deadline will be April 15.

Bill will send out a LibNews message stating the reduction plan.

b.   Transition – including temporary concession for back-fills
This was not discussed with the AULs at this meeting.

c.    Follow-up from retreat – strategically in their areas, what retreat does for them in shaping their areas going forward. 
The AULs developed a document highlighting the top three ideas from every table. Then they color-coded the items to show work underway, good ideas, and items that need more info. Once the chart is done, the AULs will send it to EC for their comments.

d.   Framework for strategic action. EC voted to amend the expiration date of the Strategic Framework to extend through 2018 
This was an informational item for the AULs.
2.   2:00-2:30 – 1st Floor Central Service Point Planning Group
Several of the members from the planning group attended EC. The group was tasked with investigating the possibility of having a service point on the 1st floor of main Library. They gathered feedback from across the Library and looked at what other libraries are doing. The report received was the interim report and included several recommendations. EC discussed the recommendations with the group and made suggestions. The group asked to have the deadline for the final report extended to April 15 and that was approved by EC.

3.   Approve minutes from February 13
Minutes were approved as amended by a motion from Nancy O’Brien, seconded by Harriett Green.
4.   Question Time
Budget – Bill stated that there will probably be a 3% budget cut for next year. That is consistent with all the things the Provost has been saying over the last 6 months. Every unit on campus will have to raise new money or make cuts. We will need to take the 3% off operations, but we can subtract out student fee and collection money. That will be about $600k for the Library. The Library will go through an exercise similar to what we did last year with a model for 1%, 3%, and 5% cuts. Each AUL will look at cuts in the money they control. We’re down to lapsed salaries, student wages and a bit of operation costs. We won’t have to take all $600k out of the 3 AUL controlled areas. Depending on the modeling, some funds will come out of central funds.

Grainger while Bill is at Main Library – duties will be divided among staff, like it would be if Bill were on sabbatical. Heidi Imker will be taking on some of the administrative work that Bill does in Grainger and will help support Christie Wiley, who is untenured. Tim Cole will help with web issues, Mary Schlembach currently does collection development and will continue to support Engineering, Physics and Chemistry faculty, and Alex Cabada will continue to take care of building issues and the IDEA Lab. Bill will continue to participate in the Web Content Team.

PRCs – Bill will continue on Jim Hahn’s and Kyle Rimkus’s PRCs.

Residency Program – The Residency group will be meeting today and will send a note out to EC afterwards. The website is up, but hasn’t been sent out publicly. They are waiting for the position description to be approved and the website to be finished. The plan is to run one search.
5.   Position approval
EC discussed the positions. The registrar position was approved in the last hiring plan. The decision is to hold the funds for that position until a new RBML head is hired, so that person can prioritize the positions they need. The Literary Manuscripts Specialist position will need to be submitted when the request for positions for the hiring plan is sent out.
6.   Advanced Technologies Working Group – revised document
The document was approved.
7.   Humanities and Interdisciplinary Scholars Collaboratory Strategy and Planning Group Interim Report

This was deferred to another meeting.