February 16, 2023 Meeting of Student-Focused Spaces Task Force

Time and Location of Meeting

February 16, 2023

Agenda Details


Student-Focused Spaces Team
February 16th, 2023

  1. First year report discussion
  2. Study updates
  3. Spring study plans
  4. Other


Minutes Details


Student-Focused Spaces Team
February 16th, 2023

  1. First year report discussion
    1. The team reviewed the draft of the first year report and identified a couple areas to add more explanation.  The document is essentially finished at this stage.
  2. Study updates
    1. PhotoVoice
      1. The team is now thinking about a start after Spring Break.  they met with Megan Sapp-Nelson to discuss her article on belongingness in the Library.
    2. Focus Groups
      1. Focus groups will also be held after Spring Break.  After discussion, the order of the questions might change, but no edits will be made to the actual questions so that the data is comporable to the Fall cohort.
  3. Spring study plans
    1. No other updates.
  4. Other