February 16, 2022 Meeting of Teaching and Learning Task Force

Time and Location of Meeting

February 16, 2022

Agenda Details


Teaching and Learning Task Force

February 16th, 2022


Box Folder: https://uofi.box.com/s/h9ubc74465y6o8nxbnf2rql148xus6io

  1. Review Charge
    1. https://uofi.box.com/s/h9ubc74465y6o8nxbnf2rql148xus6io
  2. Elect chair(s)
  3. Create schedule for monthly meetings
  4. Discuss priorities and organization
  5. Other
    1. BTAA Instruction Proposal
    2. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jm_KVIwhwZEtjc7HGoXrIaUZu0Cq_3sAhPvukiYwTpw/edit

Minutes Details


Teaching and Learning Task Force

February 16th, 2022


Box Folder: https://uofi.box.com/s/h9ubc74465y6o8nxbnf2rql148xus6io

  1. Review Charge
    1. https://uofi.box.com/s/h9ubc74465y6o8nxbnf2rql148xus6io
    2. The team discussed how to involve their divisions in the discussions, as well as making sure there are practical outcomes of the work.
  2. Elect chair(s)
    1. David Ward was elected chair.
  3. Create schedule for monthly meetings
    1. Wednesday afternoons were selected for Monthly meetings.
  4. Discuss priorities and organization
    1. The team identified elements from the charge to explore as first steps, including assessment and training/professional development.  The group decided as a first step to go back to divisions and create an inventory of what instructional activities are happening now, to build towards a definition of instruction for the Library.
  5. Other
    1. BTAA Instruction Proposal
      1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jm_KVIwhwZEtjc7HGoXrIaUZu0Cq_3sAhPvukiYwTpw/edit
      2. The team briefly reviewed the critical pedagogy collaborative project the BTAA is launching.