February 13, 2023 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

February 13, 20231:30 pm - 3:00 pm Zoom

Agenda Details




February 13, 2023


Zoom Meeting



  1. Approve minutes – February 6, 2023
  2. Question Time
  3. LSSC/LCP Agenda topics for the next EC meeting
  4. Appoint Faculty Editors and Paper Preparers
  5. 2-2:30 AULs/Directors
    1. Input on AUL/Director review process
  6. University Archivist position description
  7. Innovation Fund report

Minutes Details




February 13, 2023

1:30-2:54 pm

Zoom Meeting


Attendees: Chris Prom (Chair); Mara Thacker (Vice-Chair), Jennifer Teper, Chris Wiley, Joe Lenkart, Sarah Williams, Kirstin Johnson, Myung-Ja Han, and Kelli Trei. Lucretia Williams; Recording


Invited Attendees: Tracy Tolliver, David Ward, Mary Laskowski, Sara Holder, and Tom Teper.


Meeting Documents: N/A


  1. Minutes – The February 6, 2023, minutes were approved upon a motion from Kelli Trei, which was seconded by Joe Lenkart.


  1. Question Time – Chris Prom updated EC on the following:
  • There will be an announcement coming soon from the Provost naming the new Dean of Libraries.
  • Some academic positions will be coming to EC for discussion. Chris will also make sure the Budget Group is aware of these positions.
  • The Library has joined the Digital Preservation Coalition. Chris Prom will send a message to some of the most immediately interested parties in the short term.
  • Chris Prom is working on submitting a letter of interest to a Sloan Program regarding open source and open science program offices. This has been in coordination with the new University Librarian, and a letter of intent will be submitted this week.
  • Campus has released more information about the strategic hiring initiative. There are essentially two opportunities to engage: campus support for additional hires in previously approved searches, and a cluster hire program.
  • The Senate Committee on the Library has released its survey to campus.


  1. LSSC/LCP Agenda items for the next EC meeting – EC suggested topics of discussion for the next EC meeting with LSSC and LCP co-chairs. Sarah Williams will reach out to LSSC and LCP about the discussion topics for the Monday, February 27, 2023 EC meeting.
  1. Appoint Faculty Editors and Paper Preparers – EC appointed Paper Preparers for candidates going up for Promotion & Tenure. Lucretia Williams will reach out the appointed to see if they would be willing to serve and then report back to EC.


  1. 2:00-2:30 AULs/Directors
    • Input on AUL/Director Reviews – EC, AULs, and Directors had a robust discussion regarding the timeline for the AUL/Director reviews, including the possibly of having the AUL/Director reviews align with the faculty annual reviews, and some small changes to the feedback survey distributed to the Library. It will also be important to see what plans the new Library Dean will have for reviewing administrators.
    • Regular updates
      1. Mary Laskowski
        1. Is doing a lot of work with the Big 10 to move the shared print program forward. Mary also hopes to host an informational open house or offer office hours later in the spring.
      2. Tom Teper
        1. With the building project, it’s anticipated that we should be receiving the 100% drawings. We are giving our team approximately two days to review the drawings and make any necessary changes. Then, we can move forward with finalizing the timeline and start the bidding process. We’re making great progress and things are moving quickly!
  • David Ward
    1. Is working with the Instruction Task Force and Student Focused Spaces Task Force on our one-year reports. So, both groups are meeting this week and finalizing those reports so that they can be posted.
    2. Is working with BTAA Critical Pedagogy Group and is formed with two subgroups. There are members of both subgroups as part of the local team. We’re hosting a discussion to learn more about what activities are already occurring. Either within the library or within departments and that session is on the afternoon of Friday, February 17, 2023.
    3. Is working with the Grad College about some of their plans and goals for certificates and micro credentials.
    4. Reported on a two assessment activities: the Ithaka Faculty Survey, and the transition to LibInsight.
  1. Tracy Tolliver
    1. An email is being sent out about the Microsoft Teams transition and Microsoft 365 FERPA compliance; they aren’t directly related to each other but they’re going to align with the timing. More announcements will be forthcoming as plans move forward.
  2. Sara Holder –
    1. Updated EC regarding the LibCal appointment email that was sent asking librarians to update their availability if they are still using LibCal. If they’re not using it anymore, Reference Management Team will deactivate their calendar, so they don’t show with no availability because that’s frustrating for patrons.
    2. Beginning the planning process, together with Organization Development and Training, for the library-wide GA orientation and training that happens in August.



  1. University Archivist position description – EC suggested some edits for clarity and consistency. EC will take the suggestions back to the committee for them to move forward.


  1. Innovation Fund Report – There was a brief discussion regarding the innovation fund report. EC will revisit this discussion at the next EC meeting on Monday, February 27, 2023.


Meeting adjourned at 2:54PM