February 1, 2017 Meeting of Social Science

Time and Location of Meeting

February 1, 201710:00 am - 11:30 am 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


Present: Lisa Romero (SSD Coordinator), Peg Burnette, Kelsey Cheshire, Karen Hogenboom, Cindy Ingold, Nancy O’Brien, Lynne Rudasill, Beth Sheehan, Yoo-Seong Song, Dan Tracy, Gennye Varvel

Absent: Susan Avery, Laura Barnes, JJ Pionke

Minute taker: Nancy O’Brien


  1. Approved December 7 minutes as submitted (see G:/Social Sciences Division/MINUTES/DRAFT Minutes).
  2. Announcements and Discussion Items:
    1. Nominations for SSD representative to International Working Group:
      1. The Division decided that everyone was too overextended to commit to yet another committee so Lisa will respond to the request indicating that individuals are happy to consult but were unable to volunteer for this committee.  Yoo-Seong Song later agreed to serve as the Division representative to this new committee.
    2. Visit from Harriett Green (Scholarly Communication and Publishing)
      1. Harriett provided a PowerPoint presentation of the work of the Scholarly Communication and Publishing (SCP) unit.  Division members were supportive of the work being done by SCP and expressed interest in learning more as it evolves.
    3. Peg Burnette announced that that there will be a CDC Task Force on using central funds to acquire new books, essentially revisiting the approval plan
    4. Karen Hogenboom reminded the Division that Niko Fund will give a presentation on academic publishing on February 6.
  3. Reports
    1. Advisory Committee to the AUL for User Services (Sheehan)
      1. Beth reported that the committee discussed the Retreat and user servers follow-up.  Topics included new employee involvement in Library committees; improved wayfinding and signage in the Library; the structure of future retreats; the next strategic framework for 2018 and beyond; and the Main Library’s decision to be open Commencement weekend, May 13-14, 2017, from 1-4pm.  In addition, the committee is considering submitting a proposal for a student ambassador program for the Strategic Framework Impact awards.
    2. Area Studies Division rep to SSD (Rudasill)
      1. IAS will have new webpages in the WordPress format the week of February 6.  The Chai Wai series has been very effective in drawing people into IAS.  There are many upcoming events in IAS.  IFLA is collecting Women’s March photos from global sources.
    3. Collection Development Committee (Burnette)
      1. CDC will be talking about the future of collections.  Tom Teper is working on a framework for collecting with reduced funding.  This may be discussed at faculty meetings or a collections forum on canceling specific titles from big packages.
    4. Data Services Committee (Sheehan, Hogenboom)
      1. Carissa Phillips is chairing the committee.  The deadlines have changed for applications for the next cycle in order to avoid the fiscal year affecting purchases.  Efforts are underway to make data more discoverable.
    5. Diversity Committee (Ingold, Pionke)
      1. The committee is collaborating with the iSchool on diversity initiatives.  Brown bag discussions are being held on the last Wednesday of the month during the spring semester.
    6. Faculty Review Committee (O’Brien)
      1. Evaluation of annual reports will begin the week of February 6.
    7. Library Assessment Committee (Avery, Cheshire) – no report
    8. LSSC Representative (Varvel) – no report
    9. Marketing and Strategic Communications (Tracy)
      1. The group is currently reviewing applications for marketing grants.
    10. Office of Research, Liaison (Tracy)
      1. The Undergraduate Image of Research competition is now open.
    11. Reference Management Team (Sheehan)
      1. A first floor service point will be piloted in the fall.  The research consultation appointment system is now being piloted for self-selected librarians.  The Compass training site for Hub training will be reinvigorated.  The 2017 reference services retreat is in the initial planning stages for an April 5 all-day event.
    12. Research & Publications Committee (Tracy)
      1. RPC plans to discuss policies for funding technology requests for hardware
    13. Research Data Service Committee (Burnette, Hogenboom)
      1. The committee is seeing increased activity in data services.  Individuals can sign up for data management email reminders at go.illinois.edu/nudge
    14. SSD rep to Life Science Division (Burnette) – no report
    15. SSD rep to Central Public Services Division (Ingold)
      1. Residency position proposals were discussed, specifically a Data Analytics and Visualization residency position.
    16. Staff Development & Training Committee (Ingold, Pionke) – no report
    17. User Ed Committee (Avery, Cheshire) – no report
    18. Web Redesign Content Group (Tracy)
      1. New webpages for borrowing and user privileges will be released soon.  Redirects from the former pages will be available for a limited time.
  4. Round Robin
    1. Cindy:  She has an active instruction schedule,  including with the African American Studies program.
    2. Nancy:  Reminded everyone that PRC reports are due on March 6.
    3. Peg:  There is a new Health Initiatives page.
    4. Beth:  In addition to a busy schedule, SSHEL hired and trained two new graduate assistants for spring 2017 to replace graduating students.
    5. Kelsey: Has a busy schedule and is looking forward to the ACRL Conference.
    6. Karen:  Proposing a residency position for digital humanities, is involved with the collaboratory planning, and is on the search committee for the head of Scholarly Communications and Publishing.  She announced the Graduate Student Image of Research event on April 5.  Also, Juan Pablo Alperin from Simon Fraser University’s Public Knowledge Project will be coming to campus.
    7. Gennye:  She is working with new student assistants, and also processing and cataloging new books from the Center for Children’s books.
    8. Dan:  Has a busy schedule with lots of instruction scheduled for the spring term.
    9. Lisa:  The Communications Library graduate assistant is leaving in March but Lisa has already found and hired a new GA.


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