December 2, 2019 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

December 2, 2019

Agenda Details




December 2, 2019


428 Library


  1. Approve minutes – November 25
  2. Question Time
  3. Agenda for AULs – 12/9
  4. IT Staffing – Chris Prom and Tracy Tolliver
  5. Charge group to develop models for a Residency/Fellowship Program.
  6. Discussion of Scholarly Commons



Minutes Details


December 2, 2019
428 Library

Present: Dean Wilkin, chair, David Ward, vice-chair, Bill Maher, Jennifer Teper, Lynne Thomas, Mara Thacker, Bill Maher, Lynne Rudasill, Tracy Tolliver, Chris Prom, and Paula Carns. Recording- Lucretia Williams

1. Approve minutes – The minutes from November 25, 2019 were approved by Lynne Thomas and second by Jennifer Teper.

2. Question Time/Dean Wilkin – AUL’s were unable to come to EC 12/2/2019 due to other commitments. AUL’s will come to EC in January 13, 2020.

The search for Advancement Lead has concluded.

David Ward gave an update that Strategic Planning and Innovations Grants (final submissions) are still coming in and will be discussed at the December 9, 2019 EC meeting.

Lynne Rudasill raised some concern about how to proceed when a search does not generate a large enough pool of qualified candidates for a position. There was discussion about examining the way a position is described, including the requirements for it.

3. Agenda for AUL’s –
Postponed until January meeting.

4. IT Staffing – Chris Prom and Tracy Tolliver provided a presentation to EC on the Library IT Staffing Analysis. Chris and Tracy have been studying these operational issues on the staffing side and conferred with others in the library. From a strategic perspective there are a variety of baseline technology needs that the library supports and will continue to support. The overall goal in Library IT and the library as a whole is to have a good relationship between faculty research projects, production services, and IT operations, and keeping all of these things in alignment. Chris is still organizing the Digital Strategies Liaison Group and he and Tracy will be meeting with them along with divisions in Spring 2020. Tracy also presented a breakdown of IT budget expenditures and needs, and how budget allocations have impacted IT’s ability to provide services.

5. Charge group to develop models for a Pre-Tenure Track Program – EC reviewed a draft of the pre-tenure track program group charge and membership. EC approved the final charge and Lucretia will reach out to the suggested members.

6. Discussion of Scholarly Commons – Multiple EC members suggested that there is an opportunity to reflect on the strategic directions of the Scholarly Commons and possibilities to more tightly integrate it across Library services and functions. EC agreed to meet with relevant AULs at an upcoming meeting to discuss potential directions they envision for the unit and a leadership structure to employ moving forward.