December 17, 2007 Meeting of User Education Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

December 17, 200710:00 am - 11:00 am Undergraduate Library 295

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


Members Present: Melody Allison (08), Susan Avery (ex officio), Paula Carns (09), Merinda Hensley (ex officio), Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe (ex officio) – Chair, Karen Hogenboom (09), Emily Love (ex officio), Lori Mestre (ex officio), Nathan Yarasavage (08)

Members Absent: Bernice Harrington (09), Ellen Swain (09), Nikki Wright (08)

Additional Attendees: Sarah Hjeltness (Information Literacy GA)


1. Welcome and Introductions

Lisa introduced Sarah Hjeltness, graduate assistant in information literacy, to the group and members introduced themselves to Sarah.

2. Meetings for 2008 (All in Library 428)

  • February 11, 10-11
  • March 10, 10-11
  • April 14, 10-11
  • May 12, 10-11
  • June 9, 10-11
  • July 14, 10-11
  • August 11, 10-11

3. Report on CARLI Instruction Forum

November 7 – Some members of the User Education Committee were able to attend the Forum and were invited to share information or reflections from the day. Susan reported that Beth Woodard gave the keynote presentation. Three breakout sessions were held afterwards. One was a discussion on technology, one on points from Beth’s presentation and one a panel on Immersion. Susan attended the Technology presentation. Comments from participants regarding the Forum tended to be positive.  Survey comments regarding participants’ future interests centered on librarian-faculty collaboration. Paula also reported on her experience at the Forum remarking that she enjoyed the contact with other librarians and hearing about their current tasks.

Susan suggested that “clicker software” being used at Illinois State University may be useful for instruction. A discussion followed regarding the current status of funding for clickers within the Library. Lisa is still waiting for Jeff Schrader to determine if there are sufficient funds remaining from the UGL 291 classroom construction budget to add the clickers to that room.

The committee also discussed the Immersion Program. Three nominations for the 2008 program have been submitted: Paula Carns (Program Track), Jim Hahn (Teacher Track) and Kirstin Dougen (Teacher Track).

Lisa also remarked that 314 classroom planning is going forward.  A meeting of the group working on this classroom will be held after Winter Break.

4. Camtasia Best Practices

Sarah presented the document she has drafted concerning guidelines and procedures in Camtasia. The document is intended to be a guide for librarians interested in creating tutorials for online instruction. The committee made a number of suggestions. After final revision, the document will be available in the g:/Info Lit and Outreach Info folder. The goal is to have it available by the end of January.

5. LibGuides–Merinda reported on the current status of LibGuides. She is currently planking a library wide staff training regarding LibGuides for the beginning of Spring semester.

6. User Education for Digital Resources, Access and Tools

Input for CAPT Discussion CAPT (Content Access, Policy and Technology Committee) is considering a proposal for an Electronic Resources Assistance for Users Group  (ERAUG). CAPT would prefer to be less involved in educating users about electronic resources. The question was how involved the User Education committee should be. Lisa is revising the ERAUG charge for CAPT and so requested input from the Committee. The Committee was surprised that a group had not already been created, supports its creation and is willing to have the User Education Committee involved.

7. Campus Initiative on Student Learning Assessment

Approach and Plans–This item was tabled until the next User Education meeting.

8. Scholarly Communications Working Group

The Scholarly Communications Working Group has request a liaison between itself and the User Education Committee.  As Merinda is a member of both groups, it was agreed that she will be the liaison.


Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah A. Hjeltness and Lisa Hinchliffe