December 11, 2013 Meeting of User Services Advisory Committee (USAC)

Time and Location of Meeting

December 11, 20139:00 am - 10:00 am

Agenda Details


To review the GREAT customer service standards and to discuss a process for obtaining feedback from the library community.

Minutes Details


Jim Dohle; Susie Duncan; Kelly McCusker; Susan Schnuer (minutes); Sue Searing (chair); Jenny Taylor


Review of GREAT customer standards

USAC committee members reviewed, discussed, and edited the standards.  Kelly and Susan will make the final edits and send to USAC members for one last review.

Process and timelines for approval of GREAT service standards

Activity Timeline Responsibility
Revise GREAT and distribute to USAC for feedback By December 17, 2013 Kelly and Susan
USAC committee will review for edits and changes By December 20th, 2013 USAC committee members
Schedule 3 cookie breaks – 2 in Main Library, 1 at Grainger By January 6, 2013 Kim Matherly
Make edits and changes and send to Staff Development and Training Committee members By January 6, 2014 Kelly and Susan
Send out LIBNEWS about cookie breaks – hold the dates By January 10, 2014 Sue Searing
Staff Development and Training Committee reviews and suggests changes By January  21, 2014 Staff Development and Training Committee members
Revise GREAT with input from Staff Development and Training By January 22 Kelly and Susan
Send out LIBNEWS reminder about cookie breaks and include most recent version of GREAT By January 23 Sue Searing
Cookie breaks Week of February 3rd USAC committee members
Revise GREAT with input from cookie breaks At regular USAC meeting on February 14 USAC committee members
Edit final version with input from USAC and send to Administrative Council By end of say on February 14 USAC committee members with Sue sending it to AC


Other discussion:

Jenny mentioned that the term “customer” might be problematic.  USAC members briefly discussed other possibilities – customer or user or patron.  It was decided to continue to call the standards “Great Customer Service” and to solicit input from Staff Development and Training committee members.

Kelly asked about the purpose of the Excel spreadsheet for the GREAT customer standards.  Sue has put it together to more clearly analyze how to measure and train for the standards.

Finally Sue mentioned that we need to start thinking about directions for the USAC committee in 2014.  She mentioned content management systems as one possibility.