August 26, 2013 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

August 26, 20131:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.                  Appoint Vice chair and Secretary
2.                 Approve minutes from August 5
3.                 Question Time 
4.                 Agenda items for next meeting with AULs
5.                 Innovation Fund Report
6.                 Peer Review Committee for a faculty member


8/7/13 – Approved title change for a faculty member



Parking Lot:

  • Discussion with Beth Sandore and Sarah Williams about trends that they see in the area of EResearch particularly in the Humanities
  • Review Process for Law Library Faculty with new Law Librarian

Minutes Details


John Wilkin, chair; Tim Cole, Mary Laskowski, Bill Mischo, Nancy O’Brien, Carissa Phillips, Chris Prom, Jennifer Teper, John Wagstaff; Visitor-Beth Woodard; Recording – Kim Matherly


1.                  2:30 – Search update – Beth Woodard
The hiring plan has not been approved, so Beth went over the search process. There are two AP positions that will be searched as soon as the paper work is complete.

Beth and Tom Teper will be meeting to talk about how to deal with grant funded positions. There needs to be a faster turn-around time for these positions, so the work can be done in a timely manner.

The committee discussed the importance of making sure each search has a diverse pool of applicants.

Beth continues to work at keeping the search procedure manual updated.

2.                 Elect Vice chair and Secretary
John Wagstaff was elected to serve as secretary for the next year and Bill Mischo was elected to serve as vice-chair.
3.                 Approve minutes from August 5
The minutes were approved with one change, by a motion from Mary Laskowski, seconded by Nancy O’Brien.
4.                 Question Time 
(i)                     Wilkin gave an overview of the things that were discussed in the most recent Council of Deans meeting.

A P&T process report had been shared with COD. It was well received. The document has been sent out to the Library P&T paper preparers, editors and the chairs of FRC and PTA. It will also be sent out to EC members and posted on the EC website. It was suggested that EC discuss updating our P&T guidelines at a future meeting.
Chancellor Wise had talked about the strategic plan. There is now a strategic advisory board. Some of the things the board will focus on are economic impact on  the community; diversity and its importance for the university environment, and an infusion of funds – $1 ½ million recurring funds and $1 ½ million one-time funds for scholarships, salary offers, and TOP hires.

A comment was made that the University doesn’t always provide too well for international students who stay on campus during the breaks. This needs to be brought to Chancellor Wise’s attention.

The Chancellor is planning to appoint 12 faculty members to help advance diversity on campus.
The COD has a new meeting schedule. There will be formal meetings of the whole group twice a month, a New Dean Leadership meeting, for new deans, once a month, and an informal meeting over lunch, once a month. There will also be five retreats for the deans during the year.

It was suggested that the confidentiality statement that was formerly  signed by the EC members every year, be sent out to the members.

Biss Bill/Act – Open Access – Kappy Laing called together a group to discuss the act that included John, Roy Campbell, Nick Burbules, Lynn Fisher, Philip Patson, Richard Wheeler and Jorge Villegas. A Task Force will be appointed by the chair of the BOT, Christophe Pierre. The outcome of the meeting was that the Library will want to appoint a task force to look at the issues involved in Open Access and what role the Library will play.

EC discussed the pros and cons of the Library taking a leadership role. It was determined to appoint a committee to look at the issues. EC made suggestions for members and John will contact individuals about serving.

(ii)       EC has been asked to appoint a search committee for the Director of Research Data Services. EC will look at the job description and make final comments on email. Nancy will continue to serve as the liaison between EC and Beth Woodard in regards to searches.

(iii)     The Provost has asked John to do some additional paperwork in regards to hiring faculty from the hiring plan. John will complete this and return the documents to the Provost and see what the next steps are.

(iv)      There was a question as to where things are with title changes. Tom Teper will be contacted for an update.

(v)       Tom Teper and Sue Searing have been meeting with Mike Andrechak regarding Library space for a University initiative. Nothing will be decided without the issue coming to EC first.

5.                 Agenda items for next meeting with AULs
Agenda items include:
Strategic Plan update
NSM process
Discussion of the meeting in summer 2013 between EC, the AULs, and Provost Adesida.

6.                 Innovation Fund Report
This will be discussed at a future meeting.
7.                 Peer Review Committee for a faculty member

A faculty member was nominated and John Wilkin will contact them to serve.



8/7/13 – Approved title change for a faculty member