August 20, 2012 Meeting of Administrative Council

Time and Location of Meeting

August 20, 20121:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Library

Agenda Details


1.       Update on union negotiations (Cindy Kelly )

2.       Division Structure Task Force Report recommendation to establish training and ensure consistent evaluation processes for division coordinators – discussion (Beth Woodard, 15 minutes)

3.       Designate new AC representative to the Budget Group (last rep: Mary Laskowski)

4.       Designate new agenda committee/person

5.       “AC work towards divisional involvement/responsibility for various pieces of the strategic plan? Maybe just 10-15 minutes on how we could start thinking about that” (suggested by Mary Laskowski)

Minutes Details


Paula Kaufman, chair; Pat Allen, Mary Laskowski, JoAnn Jacoby, Jenny Johnson, Chris Quinn, Lisa Romero, Lynne Rudasill, Beth Sandore, Mary Schlembach, Tom Teper Sandy Wolf; Visitor- Cindy Kelly, Beth Woodard; Recording-Kim Matherly


  1. 1.       Update on union negotiations (Cindy Kelly )

There was an update given on the union negotiations and upcoming mediation.

2         Division Structure Task Force Report recommendation to establish training and ensure consistent evaluation processes for division coordinators – discussion (Beth Woodard)

Beth W. will prepare a document for AC outlining training areas for division coordinators. She will send the document to AC asking for input from Division Coordinators as to what is being done in the divisions and what the divisions can do to address the items.

Beth W. will pull bylaws together as an appendix to the report and give a brief summary of differences and consistencies across the divisions.

  1. 3.       Designate new AC representative to the Budget Group (last rep: Mary Laskowski)

Mary Schlembach was nominated to serve as the representative on the Budget Group.

  1. 4.       Designate new agenda committee/person

The new agenda committee is JoAnn Jacoby and  Lisa Romero.

  1. 5.       “AC work towards divisional involvement/responsibility for various pieces of the strategic plan? Maybe just 10-15 minutes on how we could start thinking about that” (suggested by Mary Laskowski)

Some ideas came out of EC discussions led by David Ward to access and document progress that we as a Library make on the Strategic Plan. The plan runs through 2014. Divisions will take responsibility for items or document what’s being done in regards to specific items in the plan.

We need a Library-wide assessment of what we’ve done to meet the SP goals and what we’re planning to do. The AULs and David Ward are planning to meet to look at the plan and label some things as responsibilities for the division and then work on fleshing out who’s doing what.

Paula reported that there is not strategic plan at the campus level yet. She suggested we use the current strategic plan as a guide for the future rather than a blueprint for the future. In the next round we need to be much more agile, since a year has already passed and we’re just getting around to talking about addressing the goals in the plan.

Paula suggested the committee think carefully about the next Dean and if the Library wants a strategic plan guru or someone more like Paula who looks at the strategic plan as a guide.

It would be good to document what progress has been made, giving us a sense of accomplishments. It would also help a dean candidate to see what’s been done and what needs to be done.

The AULs and David Ward will talk to divisions about what they have contributed.


Beth Sandore announced that Jim Dohle, Director for IP production services started today.

Jen Yu, Assessment Coordinator began August 16.

Paula thanked faculty and staff for working so hard on search committees and attending presentations.

Beth Sandore – Campus announcement – – There is no support from CITES. Campus IT council meets next week to discuss the kinds of support they are planning. If they have no plan to provide support centrally, do they have ideas for coordinating support from faculty and otheers who are using it and finding best ways to use it. Beth S. will report back.