April 9, 2001 Meeting of User Education Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

April 9, 20019:00 am - 10:30 am

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


Members Present: Sue Searing – Chair, Bob Burger, Lori DuBois, Elizabeth Clarage, Chris Quinn, Sarah Reisinger, Lynne Rudasill


Minutes from 3/19/01 meeting were corrected. No changes made to today’s agenda.

1. Library Faculty Meeting on 3/23/01

Those members of the committee who attended the Faculty Meeting talked about discussions at the meeting. The discussion of the Mission statement emphasized the need to clearly include in the statement the Library intention to work with teaching faculty. After making the appropriate change in the Mission statement, it is ready t o send to Paula Kaufman and then to the Executive Committee. The discussion at the meeting of the User Education Coordinator position gave an opportunity for airing any qualms there might be about that position. Bob Burger will draft a tentative job description which Sue Searing will take to the Executive Committee meeting. All agreed that most issues which were brought up at the meeting have been covered by the User Education Committee.

2. Teaching Academy

Linda Smith from GSLIS would like to establish an alliance between GSLIS and the Library which would lead to the establishment of a teaching academy. She and Sue have put together a proposal for a PITA (Provost’s Initiative for Teaching Advancement) grant which will be submitted tomorrow. This would be a one year grant with an expectation of subsequent grants for two to three years. After that time, other funding must be found. The Committee discussed the draft of the ‘Proposal to Develop an Alliance for Teaching Excellence: A Partnership of GSLIS and the University Library.’ Hopefully, the User Education Coordinator would lead this effort. Currently Sue and Linda are the coordinators. The categories in the request reflected the request form. Sue and Linda worked with OIR to develop a program appropriate to the first year. The committee agreed that 10-15 participants from each of GSLIS and Library faculty would participate in a retreat and additional luncheons. The committee made suggestions for changes to the draft. Paula Kaufman will send a letter in support of the proposal.

3. Evaluation of library web site

Plagiarism: Lynne Rudasill would like to expand this page to include other sites such as paper-writing sites. She also brought up the idea of providing access to databases by alumni and others.

Accessibility: Lori Dubois wondered if there should be contacts listed with or instead of Kathleen Kluegel, Betsy Kruger, and Bart Clark. Bob Burger said to add his name. There should also be a contact from IRRC regarding photo copying. Lori will ask Mary Beth Allen and someone from DRES to check the site for additions or corrections.

Organization: Chris Quinn brought up the need to change the title of the page from Organization. ‘Library Locations and Call Numbers’ was suggested. The title for this section needs to be short so that it fits the space available in the navigation bar.

FAQs-Microfilms to Where Can I Find: Julie Veazie noted several new page addresses which should be added. She thought adding a send -email message to Karen Schmidt for Gifts and Lisa German for Library Book Sale would be helpful. A text description of the location of the Career Cluster should be added.

4. Announcements

At 5:30 on Thursday, April 12, 2001 Sue Searing and probably Sarah Reisinger will be presenting information and answering questions at a meeting of the Graduate Students Advisory Committee. They are preparing a preface and handout.

5. Action List

  1. Everyone who has not reported will prepare to relate possible changes to a section of the Instructional Services section of the Library Web site.
  2. Sue and Sarah will prepare for the GSAC meeting. Sue will make presentation and lead discussion.
  3. Bob Burger will give tentative job description of User Education Coordinator position to Sue to take to Executive Committee meeting.

The next scheduled meeting is May 14, 2001 at 9:00 a.m.

The meeting was adjourned.