April 28, 2021 Meeting of Library Faculty Meeting

Time and Location of Meeting

April 28, 20213:00 pm - 4:30 pm Zoom Meeting

Agenda Details


Faculty Meeting Agenda

Agenda – DRAFT

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Library Faculty Meeting Agenda

April 28, 2021 meeting

3:00-4:30 pm

Zoom meeting only




1.Call to Order


2.Standing Items


2.1   Adoption of the agenda

2.2   Approval of the minutes of the December 2020 Faculty Meeting

2.3   Introduction of New Employees (John Wilkin)

2.4   Executive Committee Report and Discussion (15 minutes – Bill Maher)

2.5   Report of the University Librarian (15 minutes – John Wilkin)


3.Discussion Items


3.1 Academic Affairs update/discussion (30 minutes – Chris Prom)


3.2 Library Advancement – FY22 Endowment Impact Reports (15 minutes – Hannah Brauer)


4.Lightning Talks


5.New Business





Minutes Details


Faculty Meeting Minutes

Minutes – DRAFT

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Library Faculty Meeting Agenda

April 28, 2021 meeting

3:00-4:30 pm

Zoom meeting only




1.Call to Order


Meeting called to order at 3:02 pm (84 participants).


2.Standing Items


2.1   Adoption of the agenda


Adopted with change to move Exec Committee Report to item 2.2 to maintain schedule.


2.2   Executive Committee Report and Discussion (15 minutes – Bill Maher)


(See attached report: Box link: https://uofi.box.com/s/2ist7c7n2mhnaw1utp5a1cwyx12vjr7s)


There have been 13 EC meetings since the last meeting in December. A copy of this report will be shared on Box with some items summarized or skipped in the service of time.


  • Frequency of faculty meetings: EC discussed changing the schedule of meetings given that we currently have Dean’s Hangouts for communicating information widely. It was decided to do a single meeting in April 2021 as a trial but reconsider for the Fall.


  • Annual Reappointment of University Librarian and Evaluations of Associate University Librarians and Interim Directors: EC has just concluded providing evaluative comments to the Provost on the annual reappointment of the University Librarian. EC is also currently engaged in preparing advice to the University Librarian for his annual evaluation of Associate University Librarians. EC members have subdivided into teams to draft commentary to submit to Dean Wilkin in mid-May. Thanks to all who provided feedback.


  • Expanding Inclusion in Administration and Governance: At nearly every meeting since the mid-summer, the EC has been discussing how the EC itself or other aspects of Library administration and governance can be made more inclusive. Central to this since mid-September has been monthly sessions with representatives of LSSC and LCAP. The main focus of those meetings has been to explore how administration and governance can be modified to give a greater role to Academic Professional and Civil Service staff. However, these meetings were also useful in discussing the planning for the FY22 budget. It has been an evolving process through monthly meetings and informed by LSSC and LCAP representatives, talking with their constituencies. Based on what we have learned, EC has been talking over options and objectives. At our April 12 meeting, we agreed on text describing three scenarios for how to incorporate LCAP and LSSC into EC’s participation in administration and governance. After these were shared, LCAP suggested an alternate scenario of a new entity in addition to, and separate from EC and the Administrative Council. Although not yet formulated into text, it might be comprised of representatives drawn from EC, LCAP, and LSSC, and its scope might include creation of library-wide committees, identifying budget priorities, library-wide program. At nearly every meeting EC has discussed how to initiatives, and policy changes. At the moment, this is just an idea that needs to be fleshed out and explored.


  • Searches, Tenure and Promotion, and other Personnel Matters: See attached report on Box.


  • Library Operations and Services During the Ongoing Pandemic: As part of continued oversight of how the Library provides services in a COVID-driven environment, EC discussed the level of operations for the spring semester, summer sessions, and fall semester. For summer and fall, a still pending consideration relates to the level of services provided and how open Library spaces could be. EC’s role in reviewing plans for Fall 2021 has considered what operations may become possible if our region moves to Phase 5 of the Governor’s Restore Illinois process. EC’s discussion focused on the survey of unit heads and considerations relating to return to working on site.


  • Task Forces, Committees, and Initiatives: My report to the December 9 Faculty meeting mentioned EC’s discussion last fall of the residency program and our desire it continue even if funding might not be immediately available. The residency topic arose again in late January, when we reviewed and approved the report of the Task Force for Research Support and discussed which recommendations could be implemented amidst the current budget limitations. In this regard, John Wilkin reaffirmed his intent to return to the residency program. Also in response to the Task for Research report, EC developed a charge for and made appointments to a Task Force on Research and Investigation Time. However, in relation to another of its recommendations, after discussion at a number of meetings, EC decided to defer action on the proposal to establish a Task Force for Diversity in Recruitment, Retention, and Hiring. From the DEIA Task Force itself, we recently received a draft revision to the Library’s statement on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access, and we encouraged the DEIA Task Force to disseminate the document widely in the Library to obtain feedback. We received a request from the Outreach and Engagement Committee for ongoing funds for the committee to provide an annual award and to make small grants in support of outreach and engagement activities. Although the anticipated budget constraints prevented ongoing and full funding, the Library is able to approve a modest amount of one-time support with recurring funds needing to wait until budget uncertainty diminishes. In relationship to the Library Innovation Fund, the EC approved one new project, two extensions of existing projects, and the final report of the UXLab Project. We received, but did not approve a request to appoint some employees as ex officio members of a committee where their job responsibilities had a relationship to the committee’s charge. Although it is not uncommon for a committee to have a couple of ex officio members, we were persuaded that the precedent would not be sustainable across all of the committees when the expertise of such persons could still be available to the committee. As a next step in the overall building project, the EC developed a charge and appointed members to a Task Force to plan for the Undergraduate Library/Main Library Integration. Over a series of meetings EC followed and advised on the Task Force’s work including the initial public session for campus feedback. Also, in relation to the building project, the University Librarian reported on his meeting with the Senate Committee on the Library and the full Senate in relation to a resolution brought by Humanities faculty regarding the Undergraduate Library and building plan.


  • FY 2022 Budget Planning: From late November through February, the Executive Committee received briefings about the process for the development and submission of the Fiscal 2022 budget. Especially important were the targets for the size of the projected budget gap so the Library could answer the campus’ call to model a reduction that might arise. A key part of meeting the reduction model has been to defer action on filling vacant positions in the hope that the full reduction may end up being much smaller so that later this year there could be strategic reconsideration of position requests. The Executive Committee was given an opportunity, albeit with rather tight deadlines, to review and contribute to the narrative that described the Library’s needs in the context of the campus’ template. We also appreciated the opportunity to have a discussion of the draft budget with representatives of LCAP and LSSC before it was finalized in late January.


  • AULs and Directors Meetings: See attached report on Box.




Dean Wilkin commented on the funding for the residency program stating that funding will be found and the program will be continued.


Joe Lenkart asked whether there have been discussions on reforming the Administrative Council. Maher responded that the question has come up and that the Administrative Council has had question marks regarding its purpose and reform. The discussions in EC have been such that the complexities seem too great and that an immediate answer seems difficult.


Kyle Rimkus asked about the inclusion of civil service in the Library’s governance structure. Maher said that this is a division level discussion and that library by-laws do not require inclusion of civil service members in division meetings. Lisa Hinchcliffe noted there was a Final Report of the Divisional Structure Task Force (final report submitted to EC July 2012) but that the report is no longer online. A Wayback Machine link: http://web.archive.org/web/20170506184417/http://www.library.illinois.edu/committee/DivisionalStructureTaskForce/documents/finalreport/revisedfinal.html.


Kirsin Johnson also brings up that additional unit head meetings are helpful in planning. Wilkin comments that there hasn’t been opposition to regular unit head meetings. Laskowski contributes that these will likely continue.



2.3 Approval of the minutes of the December 2020 Faculty Meeting


The minutes were approved.


2.4   Introduction of New Employees (John Wilkin)


Thomas Teper and Myung-Ja Han introduced Amy Fry as Electronic Resources Management Librarian.


Sara Holder introduced Michelle Reed as new Head of Scholarly Commons.


2.5   Report of the University Librarian (15 minutes – John Wilkin)


Dean Wilkin comments on the shift on the faculty meeting schedule and how the current model to use Hangouts for information sharing and faculty meetings for specific faculty issues. The general feeling is that being more inclusive of staff concerns and participation. The Dean will continue to be receptive to these discussions.


The Library continues to be in a holding pattern on the topic of the budget and hiring and that a clear budget is expected in August. The Dean wants to underline that keeping positions open helps prevent lay-offs and other cuts. We will be constrained but we will emerge as a strong library going forward.


Wilkin’s meetings with the Provost continue to focus on two things: the Library’s Covid response and reopening plans, which the Provost has endorsed, and the Library Building Project. It is the University campus’s number one priority and thebudget request to the Governor included the allocated funds (though the funding was not included in the Governor’s proposed budget). This is an important signal of support from the system.



3.Discussion Items


3.1 Academic Affairs update/discussion (30 minutes – Chris Prom)


See attached slides.


  • COVID-related Communication Nine Updates


Communication 9 had updates with Covid-specific changes including the one page optional statement, faculty statements will be interpreted in light of the pandemic, and roll-backs. A second Covid-related roll-back will be considered on a case-by-case basis with required documentation.


See: https://provost.illinois.edu/policies/provosts-communications/communication-9-promotion-and-tenure/.


  • DRAFT Communication Nine Updates for Adoption in AY 21-21 (see attached file)


This was kicked-off by the Provost in 2019, who charged three task forces – on Promotion & Tenure, Engagement, and Teaching Effectiveness – which met for a year and a half and each of them has issued a report which will be posted to the Provost’s website this week along with draft revisions to Communication 9. Link: https://comm9revisions.illinois.edu/


Members of PTAC, FRC, and DEIA Task Force have seen advance copies of the report and there will be broader chances to comment on the suggested changes. The majority of the changes were around the areas of DEIA, ethical conduct, public engagement, and interdisciplinary team-based research. There will be a new section on the dossier in the academic year 22-23 to discuss DEIA efforts of the university as a required area. There will be a new substitute section 3 that the Library will need to revise and adapt for this new structure.


Nancy O’Brien asked Can you address whether the Librarianship statement will be revised?  Is that statement likely to be consolidated in some way? Prom responded that the Library will want to have internal discussions and that the ways in which campus is suggesting teaching will be evaluated will drive the way we discuss our librarianship, and that there will be a process of revising the structure of section 3.


Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe asks about timelines on the consolidation of statements; Prom says that a group in PTAC will be convened in consultation with the faculty, with discussions in EC and faculty meetings. The earliest it would take place would be in 2022.


  • Interfolio Implementation Task Force Report


Campus is introducing a portfolio and dossier management system called Interfolio. Prom is convinced that this will make the process easier in terms of how the dossier can be routed and automated usefully. The dossier itself will still be managed in Word and PDF formats. The new system will be used specifically for the promotion and tenure process.


  • Mentoring and Evaluation Task Force Report


We are hoping to improve our mentoring systems in the Library. Prior to the pandemic, a Mentoring and Evaluation Task Force was implemented to examine and evaluate these structures, however due to the pandemic it was decided now was not the time to significantly update these structures. Given the forthcoming updates to Communication Nine it doesn’t seem beneficial, so they will refocus their efforts to clarifying PRC expectations and providing better mentoring support to PRCs and Assistant Professors.


  1. J. Pionke asked what is the training program for mentoring that will be implemented for PRCs as mentoring is a learned skill. Prom agreed. Campus workshops currently focus on graduate students.


Sara Benson commented on the organic experience of creating mentoring relationships and asked why unit heads do not have a role in evaluations? Prom responds that this can be variable from case-to-case as a function of individual faculty member responsibilities. Nancy O’Brien also comments that years ago, unit heads did formally evaluate faculty in the unit. Prom notes these are not one and done issues and these discussions will continue.



3.2 Library Advancement – FY22 Endowment Impact Reports (15 minutes – Hannah Brauer)


There is a new impact report initiative on campus to track donor fund usage and donor response. This past Fall Library Advancement did a pilot study looking at work with funds and received positive feedback donors regarding how our funds are used.


Braur will be sending emails out regarding specific funds and questionnaires on how funds were spent and units updates. This is to make sure they accurately reflect how endowment funds are spent. They may also do this for current use funds. She will also send an example of what the full reports will look like. Advancement wants donors to know that funds are being spent or have plans for them so that they know their gifts are making a difference. Brauer will be requesting information August 1 with a deadline of September 1 with a goal of getting reports out October 1.


Lynne Thomas and Tom Teper commented on the ease of this process.



4.Lightning Talks




5.New Business






Wilkin: We are done with the Library Friends events for a while.


Dan Tracy: The Task Force Survey for Library Unit Heads or Reporting Supervisors of Library Faculty, APs, and CS Pros has sent out a questionnaire to review current research and investigation time policies. The deadline is April 30.


Lynne Thomas: The RBML Celebration of Shakespeare has recordings available and forthcoming events include the Gwendolyn Brooks Birthday Celebration June 7 and International Kelmscott Day June 26.


Celestina Savonius-Wroth: Courtney Becks has a forthcoming event “An Evening of Poetry and Spirituality with Kaveh Akbar” on April 30: https://cas.illinois.edu/node/2497


Bethany Anderson: The University Archives’ next Women in Science Lecture is May 11, 12-1 pm CT with Dr. Ruby Mendenhall. For more info about the lecture series, see: https://distributedmuseum.illinois.edu/about/women-in-science-lecture-series/


Spencer Keralis: The final two programs of Critical Practice in Text Data Mining Research Cluster of the Humanities Research Institute are coming up, with  Dr. Nicole Brown presenting “My Business, My Burden: Reflections on ‘Critical Computation’ and other epistemological endeavoring through methods” on April 30 and Dr. Jo Guldi presenting “The Dangerous Art of Text Mining” on May 21.


LisaJanicke Hinchliffe: AI Infodemic: Interrogating Algorithms of Information Seeking has a forthcoming session May 6: https://publish.illinois.edu/infodemic/home/schedule/ There is also a forthcoming summer speaker series made up of diverse early career researchers.




Meeting was adjourned at 4:25 pm.