April 22, 2013 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

April 22, 20132:00 pm - 3:30 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.                 2:00pm – Sue Searing – Undergraduate Research Programs
2.                 2:30pm – Sue Searing, John Wagstaff – Humanities Hub Report
3.                 Approve minutes from April 1
4.                 Question Time 
5.                 AULs agenda for May 6 meeting
6.                 Zero-time faculty appointments
7.                 Cost of acquiring images from the University Archives

Minutes Details


Paula Kaufman, chair; Mary Laskowski, Nancy O’Brien, Carissa Phillips, Lynne Rudasill, John Wagstaff, David Ward: Visitor-Sue Searing; Recording-Kim Matherly


1.                 2:00pm – Sue Searing – Undergraduate Research Programs

EC discussed the program with Sue. She has been in touch with Ellen Swain, who supports the program. The Library needs to decide what role it wants to play.


There is currently tremendous growth in curricular programs in research for undergraduates. Merinda Hensley has been doing what she can to help faculty and students in this area.


EC advised Sue to go back to Paul Diehl and Nancy Abelmann and let them know that the Library has some enthusiasm for a faculty position, but the MOU would have to be written stating that the Library would never fund this position. The Library does understand the need to accommodate the community, but we have other needs in our hiring plan.


2.                 2:30pm – Sue Searing, John Wagstaff – Humanities Hub Report
EC had made some suggestions for the report and sent it back to the planning group. John presented the report with changes made. EC discussed the report with changes and accepted the report. The report will be posted for comment and EC will discuss any additional comments at a future meeting.
3.                 Approve minutes from April 1
Accepted by a motion from Lynne Rudasill, seconded by Nancy O’Brien.

4.                 Question Time 
Tom Teper and Jeff Schrader are working on a plan for furniture and art in the hallway where the card catalogs were removed on the second floor.

Paula attended the Chancellor’s and Provost’s Town Hall meeting. They discussed increased support for arts and humanities and individual faculty in arts and humanities, they are spending $70 million to upgrade classroom technology, they are planning for a strategic cluster hire.

They listed the shared goals as Scholarship; Discovery and Innovation; Transformative Learning Experiences; and Societal Impact.

The plan is to rebuild the faculty. The Library will have to look at how we can make sure a Library faculty member is attached to one of the institutes. We may have to make a meaningful pitch to be considered for a position in one of the institutes.

Ade stressed that we have to change and we have to reorganize. He is working with executive committees in different colleges.

5.                 AULs agenda for May 6 meeting
Paula would like to receive EC’s input on the AULs’ evaluations soon.

(a)  EC would like to know what they are working on
(b)  Strategic plan implementation items – Administration need a bigger role in implementation

6.                 Zero-time faculty appointments
The current practice is fine as long as it does not violate the bylaws. Nancy will look at the bylaws to see if any changes need to be made.

Kim will ask Library HR to compile a list of all zero-time faculty appointments. Paula will contact them to make sure they are still interested in the appointment.

7.                 Cost of acquiring images from the University Archives

Chris Prom was unable to attend the meeting, so the issue will be put on the next agenda.