April 2, 2001 Meeting of Administrative Council

Time and Location of Meeting

April 2, 20011:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


Paula Kaufman, Chair; Bob Burger, Marianna Tax Choldin, Bill Mischo for Tina Chrzastowski, Bart Clark, Alan Conrad, Richard Griscom, Barb Henigman, Deloris Holiman, Janis Johnston, Barbara Jones, Cindy Kelly, Betsy Kruger, Nancy O’Brien, Mitzy Williams for Diane Schmidt, Karen Schmidt, Paula Watson, Karen Wei, John Weible, Joyce Wright


  1.  Approve Minutes

    The minutes of the March 19, 2001, meeting were approved.

  2. Update on Privacy (B. Jones)

    Barbara Jones led a discussion regarding privacy. Marianna Choldin, Nancy O’Brien, Joyce Wright, Barbara Henigman, and Barbara Jones have been working as a subgroup on the Library Internet Use Policy. A draft of the policy was sent out for comments, and then sent on to Legal Counsel. The committee will review their reply, do revisions, and then bring it back to AC in May. Privacy was a major topic at an ALA conference that Barbara attended; Internet access was also discussed. As a result of what she learned there, she proposed that the committee write parallel documents for privacy and Internet access and is asking AC members to share their expertise, and the names of others on campus who have expertise, with the committee. With the aid of the faculty here, UIUC could be a leader nationally in developing privacy and Internet use policies for research and public aided libraries. AC agreed that the committee should move ahead with its plans. The committee will work and report back to AC.

  3. International Strategy (P. Kaufman)

    Paula distributed “International Strategy UIUC Library.” While the Mortenson Center has been the focus of the international strategy for the Library, it should rather be the foundation of a larger strategy to meet broader goals. Several international programs that people in the Library are involved in were discussed as well as grant opportunities that are available. It was agreed that this is an important issue, we have a very strong and favorable international reputation, and we should promote our reputation as we look for opportunities and gather information. Paula asked AC members to send her names of Library Faculty to consider for a committee to work on the Library’s international strategy.

  4. Policy for Equipment Authorizations (B. Clark)

    Bart Clark distributed “University of Illinois Library Policy for Equipment Authorizations.” Wendy Shelburne is visiting units between now and mid summer to look at space and equipment needs. She will identify needs and write unit reports that will be on the web after review by the unit head. The equipment authorizations policy was approved.

  5. Patron Conduct Policy (B. Clark)

    Bart Clark distributed “University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Patron Conduct Policy.” AC members had several suggestions for editing the policy statement. Bart asked them to send him any additional comments. He will send out a revised version for editing, and will bring it back to AC for approval.

  6. Announcements and Updates

    Paula Kaufman reported that the CIC Library Directors met with two officials from Elsevier Science. They would like to establish more friendly relationships with their customers. CIC Library Directors also met with the directors of the university presses of CIC institutions. A task force is being formed to look at making the collective press output of the CIC available free of charge to CIC institutions.

    Bob Burger will have the names for the Task Force on Access later in the week to be approved at the next AC meeting.

    Deloris Holiman asked AC members to alert their units regarding security officers’ hours during the regular semester. Anytime someone feels threatened or uneasy, the police should be called first and then the security guards.

    Marianna Choldin invited everyone to the Mortenson Center Open House on April 4, 3:00-5:00 p.m.

    The ILS vendor demos will begin this week, Tuesday and Friday, in 190 Engineering Sciences Building. Register at the ILCSO Center.

    Paula Kaufman reminded everyone that Duane Webster, Executive Director of ARL and co-chair of IFLA planning, will be here Friday, April 13. This is his first visit to campus. He will give a public address from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. in Grainger Commons.

    Paula Watson will send out information regarding a talk for faculty on copyright issues.

    Bart is working on a new configuration of the Library organization chart.

    Cindy Kelly is coordinating interviews for graduate assistants. The database is up and changing daily. Candidates can request interviews in up to six libraries. GSLIS tuition waivers will be determined later. Because of the situations with the GEO, it is advised this year not to eliminate graduate assistant positions that would be involved.

    The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.