GOBI Ordering Templates


Templates are required to place an order as a subaccount is required and must be the correct one. All order information follows from a subaccount as far as handling and billing. They result in accurate orders if done correctly. They avoid manual errors  as one does not have to repeatedly type in the fund code, location details, your initials, etc.  When you order books under a certain template, the template already has that information included. Locations can be over ridden any simply replacing that code ie SHX with STX.

How to create a template

  • Once you are logged into GOBI3, click Options (found in the navigation bar at the top of the page).
  • Select Manage Templates.
  • Under the navigation bar, there will be options: New, Edit, Delete, Print.  Select New.

How to set up a template

how to set up templates

Once you’ve created a template, give it a name.  Then, specify your subaccount, fund code, and location.  Provide your initials as well.  Then, save.

Your Templates

**Those of you who manage multiple funds will need to create several templates linked to the appropriate subaccounts.**

Firm Orders – Print

  1. This will always be linked to YBP subaccount 5232-10.
  2. Set up this with each fund you manage. (This may require making more than one template, if you manage multiple funds.)
  3. Set a default location (e.g. your library or Main Stacks).
  4. Add your initials.
  5. Make sure Quantity = 1.

Firm Orders – Ebooks

  1. This will always be linked to YBP subaccount 5232-52.
  2. Set up this with each fund you manage. (This may require making more than one template, if you manage multiple funds.)
  3. Set the location to “eresour-nc.”
  4. Add your initials.
  5. Make sure Quantity = 1.

Approval – Ebooks

  1. This will always be linked to YBP subaccount 5232-50. Approval ebooks can use the -625 code
  2. Set up this with each fund you manage. (This may require making more than one template, if you manage multiple funds.)
  3. Set the location to “eresour-nc.”
  4. Add your initials.
  5. Make sure Quantity = 1.

Approval – Print

  1. This will be linked to the YBP subaccount which matches your profile.
    • Performing Art/ Music Dance Theater: 5232-18
    • Social Sciences or Humanities IF in a DEWEY classed library: 5232-27
    • Social Sciences or Humanities IF in A Library of Congress Classed Library: 5232-23
    • Science: 5232-25
  2. Undergrad: 5232-13
  3. Set this up with each fund you manage. (This may require making more than one template, if you manage multiple funds.)
  4. Add your initials.
  5. Make sure Quantity = 1.