GOBI Folders


Folders allow you to save records of books so that you – or your colleagues – can view them at a later time.  This can be very useful if:

  • You would like a supervisor or colleague to review certain titles; or
  • A title is forthcoming and you must wait until it is published before purchasing.

Folders can be either private so that only you can view them, or shared where everyone of University of Illinois’s Library can view the folders.  Be sure to name your shared folders clearly to help everyone easily navigate them.

Finding a Shared Folder

Go to Folders, then Manage Library Folders.  Scroll down to find the folder you are looking for.  Click the button next to the folder you wish to view, then click View.

Creating a Folder

Once you are logged into GOBI3, click  Folders in the navigation bar, then, Manage My Folders.

When brought to your folders, click Add.  This will bring you to a form.

Name your folder and determine whether it will be Visible and whether it will be Personal or Shared.

  • If a folder is Personal, only you can view and edit its contents.
  • If a folder is Shared and Visible, anyone in University of Illinois’s Library (with a GOBI account) can view and edit the items in your folder.

Viewing a Folder, and Editing Its Contents

Viewing a folder

Once you are logged into GOBI3, click  Folders in the navigation bar, then, Manage My Folders OR Manage Library Folders.

Select the button next to the folder you would like to view.  Then click on View (found below the navigation bar).

Removing tltles from the folder

If you would like to remove an item from the folder, view the folder.
Select the item(s) you would like to remove.  Do this by clicking to the left of the item; when an item is selected, a blue bar will appear to its left.
In the upper right hand corner of the page, there is a red X.  Click this.
You will be prompted to remove the item; click Okay.

If you would like to remove all items from the folder, you can go to Folders Manage My Folders.
Select the button next to the folder you would like to empty.
Select Empty (found below the navigation bar).
The “Contents” of the folder should = 0.

Adding a Title to a Folder

While viewing a list of titles, you can save certain titles that you would like to look at later to a folder.

Select the title(s) you wish to move to your folder by clicking just to the left of the title; a dark blue bar will appear when the item is selected.

Once you have selected your items, click on the folder icon in the upper right hand corner of the page.  A pop-up will appear.

Select the desired folder and then click Add to Folder.