French Blanket Order Profile

  French Blanket Order Profile
for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, DDC 016.02, 020-028, 070.5, 090-099, 010-019: send slips instead of books; see note 3 at end of profile.

PHILOSOPHY, DDC 100-129, 140-149, 160-199: continue to send books (except send nothing for paranormal phenomena and arts); see note 2 at end of profile.

PSYCHOLOGY, DDC 150-159: continue to send books.

RELIGION, DDC 270-279 (history of the Christian Church only): continue to send books; see note 2 at end of profile.

SOCIOLOGY, DDC 301-307, 364: continue to send books.

ECONOMICS, discontinue sending anything for DDC 339, 381, 382; add DDC 330 (general economics): send books.

POLITICAL SCIENCE, DDC 320-327: continue to send books (except send nothing for legislation).

LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS, DDC 400-419: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas (except send nothing for English as a second language).

GERMAN, DDC 430-439: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas (except send nothing for Dutch).

FRENCH, DDC 440-449: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.

ITALIAN, DDC 450-459: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.

SPANISH, DDC 460-468: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.

PORTUGUESE, DDC 469: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.

GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE LITERATURE, DDC 800-809: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.

GERMAN LITERATURE, DDC 830-838: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.

SCANDINAVIAN LITERATURE, DDC 839: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.

FRENCH LITERATURE, DDC 840-849: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.

ITALIAN LITERATURE, DDC 850-859: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.

SPANISH LITERATURE, DDC 860-868: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas (except send nothing for Spanish American).

PORTUGUESE LITERATURE, DDC 869: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.

CINEMA, DDC 791.4: send slips instead of books.

THEATER, DDC 792: send slips instead of books.

GENERAL HISTORY, including Theory, Philosophy, Methodology, Diplomatics, Numismatics: send slips instead of books for DDC 737 (numismatics); continue to send books for DDC 900-901; see note 2 at end of profile.

HISTORY OF ANCIENT WORLD, DDC 930-939: continue to send books.

GENERAL HISTORY OF EUROPE, DDC 940: continue to send books; see note 2 at end of profile.

GREAT BRITAIN, DDC 941-942: continue to send books; see note 2 at end of profile.

CENTRAL EUROPE AND GERMANY, DDC 943: continue to send books; see note 2 at end of profile.

FRANCE, DDC 944: continue to send books for 17th, 18th, and 20th century French history, send slips instead of books for all other periods of French history; see note 2 at end of profile.

ITALY, DDC 945: continue to send books for 15th, 16th, and 20th century Italian history; send slips instead of books for all other periods of Italian history; see note 2 at end of profile.

IBERIAN PENINSULA, SPAIN, DDC 946: continue to send books for any aspect of Latin American history; continue to send books for 16th and 20th century Spanish and Portuguese history; send slips instead of books for all other periods of Iberian Peninsula and Spanish history; see note 2 at end of profile.

EASTERN EUROPE, SOVIET UNION (including nations formerly part of the Soviet Union), DDC 947: continue to send books for 20th century Eastern European history; send slips instead of books for all other periods of Eastern European history; see note 2 at end of profile.

OTHER PARTS OF EUROPE, DDC 949: continue to send books for 20th century history of Other Parts of Europe; send slips instead of books for all other periods of history for Other Parts of Europe; see note 2 at end of profile.

HISTORY OF ASIA, DDC 950: send slips instead of books; see note 2 at end of profile.

HISTORY OF NORTH AMERICA, DDC 970: send slips instead of books; see note 2 at end of profile.

HISTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA, DDC 980: continue to send books.



  1. Slips should be sent in the following areas of literature and linguistics:
    1. Dialect belletristic literature (primary sources as well as secondary criticism). This exclusion should not, however, include major languages which could be falsely interpreted as being dialects (e.g., Catalan).
    2. Secondary criticism (literature or linguistics) of the works of one language but written in another language.  For example, a book on the German author Robert Musil written in French, Italian, Spanish or English; or a work about the history of the Spanish language written in French, Italian, German or English.
    3. Works by authors which are self-published (i.e., not issued by a standard press).
    4. Belletristic literature by less established authors and issued by “upstart” presses. Particularly poetry and drama, although novels and short stories also.
    5. Exhibition catalogs.
    6. Museum Publications
    7. Authors whose primary contributions are outside of belletristic literature (i.e., marginal authors). For example, an author who is a sociologist, such as the author Herbert Marcuse.
    8. Popular fiction (novels, mysteries, romances, etc.). But do not exclude novels by major, established authors.
  2. The first priority in selecting monographs for subject areas indicated by note 2 should be for publications of learned institutions.
  3. Do not send slips for works written in a language other than English or the language of the vendor. For example, we might be interested in a French/English – English/French dictionary of library science, but not a French/German – German/French dictionary of library science.


Titles over $100.00 U.S.
Serials, except number one
Full-size reproductions
Juvenile literature
Pamphlets (under fifty pages)
Telephone directories
City directories
Working Papers