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Title: American Federationist

City: Indianapolis, Indiana  Country: United States
Language: English
Subject/Audience: Labor

Available in the following formats/locations:
Format: Microfilm   Call Number: FILM331.805am
Location: History, Philosophy and Newspaper Library. 246 Main Library
Summary Dates: 1895 – 1898
Detailed Dates: Mar 1, 1895 – Feb 28, 1898  

Format: Print   Call Number: 331.805AM
Location: Oak Street (Offsite Storage). Request this material by using the Online Library Catalog.
Notes: v.1(1894)-v.83:no.6(1976). Some issues missing
Summary Dates: 1894 – 1976
Detailed Dates: 

Format: Print   Call Number: 331.805AM
Location: Oak Street (Offsite Storage). Request this material by using the Online Library Catalog.
Notes: COPY 2: v.10(1903)-v.12:1(1905:July), v.32(1925)-v.82(1975)
Summary Dates: 1903 – 1975
Detailed Dates: 1903 – 1905  COPY 2: v.10-v.12:1
1925 – 1975  COPY 2: v.32-v.82

Format: Print   Call Number: 331.805AM
Location: Oak Street (Offsite Storage). Request this material by using the Online Library Catalog.
Notes: COPY 3: v.9(1902)-v.71(1964) Some issues missing
Summary Dates: 1902 – 1964
Detailed Dates: 

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