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Title: Corpus Christi Weekly Labor Herald (Corpus Christi, Tex. : 1940)

Alternate Title: Weekly Labor Herald
City: Corpus Christi, Texas  Country: United States
Frequency: Weekly
Language: English
Subject/Audience: Labor
Notes: "Official newspaper of the Central Labor Union and Building and Construction Trades Council, comprising affiliated American Federation of Labor Unions in Nueces County, Texas."

Available in the following formats/locations:
Format: Online   
Online Collection: Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980 (America's Historical Newspapers)  [Access restricted to UIUC affiliates.]
Summary Dates: 1941 – 1942
Detailed Dates:   1941:11:21, 12:19, (2 issues)
  1942:1:2-2:13, 4:3-10, 24-5:15, 29-6:5, 19-26, 7:17-24, 8:7-14, 9:4, (22 issues).

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