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Title: Colorado Times = Kakushu jiji (Denver, Colo. : 1918)

Alternate Title: Kakushu jiji
City: Denver, Colorado  Country: United States
Frequency: Tri-Weekly
Language: Japanese
Subject/Audience: Japanese-American Internment
Notes: "Although not published at a relocation center, served as a communication link between what was going on outside of the camps (regarding opinions towards Japanese-Americans)--and the day to day events that took place inside the camps."

Available in the following formats/locations:
Format: Online   
Online Collection: Japanese-American Relocation Camp Newspapers, 1942-1945  [Access restricted to UIUC affiliates.]
Summary Dates: 1945 – 1945
Detailed Dates: Mar 24, 1945 – Oct 27, 1945  

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