Newspaper Database Search Result

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Title: Chicago Daily Journal (Chicago, Ill. : 1844)

Alternate Title: Daily Chicago Journal; Chicago Evening Journal; Chicago Journal
City: Chicago, Illinois  Country: United States
Frequency: Daily (except Sun.)
Language: English
Notes: As: Chicago Daily Journal (1844-1853)
Daily Chicago Journal (1853-1855)
Chicago Daily Journal (1855-1861)
Chicago Evening Journal (1861-1896)
Chicago Journal (1896-1904)
Chicago Daily Journal (1904-1929).
Continues: Chicago Express (Chicago, Ill. : 1842).
Aborbed by: Chicago Daily News (Chicago, Ill. : 1875).

Available in the following formats/locations:
Format: Online   
Online Collection: Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers  [Access restricted to UIUC affiliates.]
Summary Dates: 1885 – 1898
Detailed Dates:   Dec 10, 1885.
  May 1, 1889.
  Sept 4, 1893.
  Oct 1, 1896; Dec 31, 1896; Jan 2, 1897; and May 4, 1898.

Format: Microfilm   Call Number: FILM071.731C433CE1
Location: History, Philosophy and Newspaper Library. 246 Main Library
Summary Dates: 1846 – 1847
Detailed Dates: Jan 3, 1846 – Jan 7, 1846  
Jan 9, 1846 – Jan 13, 1846  
Jan 15, 1846 – Jan 30, 1846  
Feb 2, 1846 – Jun 30, 1846  
Jan 4, 1847 – Jan 30, 1847  

Format: Microfilm   Call Number: FILM071.7359B623d
Location: History, Philosophy and Newspaper Library. 246 Main Library
Notes: Filmed with Daily Pantagraph (Bloomingtom, IL).
Summary Dates: 1857 – 1857
Detailed Dates:   Sep 25, 1857.

Format: Microfilm   
Location: Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library. Record for reference purposes only. ALPL no longer lends microfilm through Interlibrary Loan.
Summary Dates: 1853 – 1929
Detailed Dates: Jan 26, 1853 – Feb 9, 1855  1853:1:26-1854:1:2,4-6:27, 1854:10:2-5,7-1855:1:1,3-2:6,8-9. As: Daily Chicago Journal (Chicago, Ill. : 1853).
Feb 10, 1855 – Apr 20, 1861  1855:2:10-3:31, 1856:1:3-3:31, 8:27, 10:1-12:31, 1857:1:2-6:30, 1858:1:2-1861:4:20. As: Chicago Daily Journal (Chicago, Ill. : 1855).
Apr 22, 1861 – May 13, 1896  1861:4:22-1867:9:30, 1868:7:1-1870:12:31, 1871:1:9, 2:21,25, 3:3,22,31, 4:8,20,22, 5:2-3,11,13,16,20,26-6:1,3,10,19, 7:1-1896:5:13. As: Chicago Evening Journal (Chicago, Ill. : 1861).
May 14, 1896 – Apr 20, 1904  As: Chicago Journal (Chicago, Ill. : 1896).
Apr 21, 1904 – Aug 21, 1929  1904:4:21-1905:12:29, 1906:1:1-2:28, 3:2-12:31, 1907:1:1-1929:8:21. As: Chicago Daily Journal (Chicago, Ill. : 1904).

Format: Print   Call Number: Q.071.731C433Ce5
Location: Newspaper Storage- Oak St.. Ask staff at HPNL (246 Main Library) for assistance.
Notes: 1904-1929 also available on microfilm from the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library. Very brittle and poorly bound. Please use microfilm if possible.
Summary Dates: 1922 – 1929
Detailed Dates: Mar 1, 1922 – Apr 29, 1922  
Jul 1, 1922 – Dec 30, 1922  
Jan 1, 1923 – May 30, 1924  
Jul 1, 1924 – Oct 31, 1924  
Jan 1, 1925 – Jan 30, 1926  
Mar 1, 1926 – Aug 31, 1928  
Oct 1, 1928 – Nov 30, 1928  
Jan 1, 1929 – Jan 31, 1929  
Mar 1, 1929 – Mar 31, 1929  
Jun 1, 1929 – Jun 29, 1929  

Format: Print   Call Number: SpanishAmericanWarPortfoLio1
Location: Newspaper Portfolio. Ask staff at HPNL (246 Main Library) for assistance.
Notes: Gift of Illinois Valley Community College Library.
Collection: Spanish American War Portfolio 1
Summary Dates: 1898 – 1898
Detailed Dates:   Apr 25, 1898 (5:00 Last ed.)
  Apr 27, 1898 (5:00 Last ed.)
  Apr 28, 1898 (5:00 Last ed.)
  Apr 30, 1898 (5:00 Last ed.)
  May 2, 1898 (5:00 Last ed.)
  May 3, 1898 (5:00 Last ed.)
  May 4, 1898 (5:00 Last ed.)
  May 5, 1898 (5:00 Last ed.)
  May 6, 1898 (5:00 Last ed.)
  May 7, 1898 (5:00 Last ed.)
  May 9, 1898 (5:00 Last ed.)
  May 10, 1898 (Special ed.)
  May 11, 1898 (Special ed.)
  May 12, 1898 (Special ed.)
  May 14, 1898 (Special ed.)
  May 16, 1898 (Special ed.)
  May 17, 1898 (Special ed.)
  May 18, 1898 (Special ed.)
  May 19, 1898 (Special ed.)
  May 20, 1898 (Special ed.)
  May 21, 1898 (Special ed.)
  May 24, 1898 (Special ed.)
  May 25, 1859 (Special ed.)
  May 27, 1898 (Special ed.).

Format: Print   Call Number: SpanishAmericanWarPortfoLio2
Location: Newspaper Portfolio. Ask staff at HPNL (246 Main Library) for assistance.
Notes: Gift of Illinois Valley Community College Library.
Collection: Spanish American War Portfolio 2
Summary Dates: 1898 – 1898
Detailed Dates:   Jun 4, 1898 (Special ed.)
  Jun 7, 1898 (Special ed.)
  Jun 8, 1898 (Special ed.)
  Jun 10, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jun 11, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jun 13, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jun 14, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jun 15, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jun 17, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jun 18, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jun 20, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jun 21, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jun 22, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jun 23, 1898 (5:00 ed.) –very brittle
  Jun 24, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jun 25, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jun 27, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jun 28, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jul 1, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jul 6, 1898 (3:00 ed.)
  Jul 7, 1898 (3:00 ed.)
  Jul 8, 1898 (3:00 ed.)
  Jul 11, 1898 (3:00 ed.)
  Jul 13, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jul 14, 1898 (ed. Statement torn off)
  Jul 16, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jul 20, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jul 25, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jul 27, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jul 28, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jul 29, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Jul 30, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Aug 2, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Aug 3, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Aug 4, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Aug 5, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Aug 6, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Aug 9, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Aug 10, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Aug 11, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Aug 13, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Aug 15, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Aug 16, 1898 (5:00 ed.)
  Aug 17, 1898 (5:00 ed.)

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